Our Parish is known for its welcoming spirit. Recently, we have had visitors you may not have seen.
Fr. Timothy Hayes, Archbishop Youssef Massoud, and Fr. Peter Iorio
On March 17, we hosted the fourth anniversary Mass for Chiara Lubich, who founded the Focolare Movement. The Focolare Community gathered to recall the spirit of their foundress whose charism is a call to unity among all human beings. Of particular note was the presence of a Maronite Archbishop from Syria, Archbishop Youssef Massoud, as well as a priest from Tennessee, Fr. Peter Iorio, as well as members of the Focolare Movement from the Midwest and their friends. It was a lovely Mass and it was a real privilege to host the event in our Jubilee Year. If you are seeking “a way” to follow the Gospel concretely for you and your family, I would heartily recommend that you get to know the Focolare Movement. (Check them out online at http://www.focolare.us/.)

This past Tuesday, we had some members of the Columbus Division of Police Mounted Unit who happened into our Parking Lot at the right time. They saw visited with some of our School Children who were still on site for homework club. So if your children told you that they saw a horse at school, they were not making it up!
Lent is always a busy season. I have been on the go. Last Sunday after Mass, I drove to Pittsburgh with my mother to celebrate the Baptism of the daughter of a cousin, a new baby in our family. Tuesday, the First Day of Spring, Fr. Bill and I were at St. Margaret of Cortona for their Penance Service. Wednesday began the Bishop’s Annual Appeal Season, with a dinner at St. Joan of Arc Parish. Thursday, we had many priests on hand from the Diocese of Columbus for our Parish Lenten Penance Service. We thank them and all who came to share in the celebration of God’s Mercy. Friday included a Fish Fry and we had the Stations of the Cross. And now we enter into the weekend of the Fifth Sunday of Lent.
I know that some folks think priests only work weekends, but I can assure you that we have a very full and rich life. No two days are the same. If variety is the spice of life, you can say the life of a priest is very spicy!
Celebrating our Golden Jubilee: Getting to know Saint Timothy’s Community of Faith.
We are looking at St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, since Ephesus was the see where St. Timothy served as Bishop. This may offer some perspectives on the Church and the Community among whom Timothy lived and ministered.
Therefore, remember that at one time you, Gentiles in the flesh, called the uncircumcision by those called the circumcision, which is done in the flesh by human hands, were at that time without Christ, alienated from the community of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have become near by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, he who made both one and broke down the dividing wall of enmity, through his flesh, abolishing the law with its commandments and legal claims, that he might create in himself one new person in place of the two, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile both with God, in one body, through the cross, putting that enmity to death by it. He came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near, for through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. (Ephesians 2:11-18)
Divisions among Christians ought not to be. Our call is to be one, one with God and one with all our brothers and sisters in Christ. The scandal of a divided Christianity stands in the way of our mission to proclaim the Gospel to all the nations. Paul’s advice to the Ephesians and the principles he explains are still applicable today. We belong to Christ. He has brought us into a living relationship with God. Through His Spirit we can address God as Father. Keeping this in mind, we may discover how to find our way to peace and unity no matter what the divisions among us. Let us pray that all may be one!
How well do you know Saint Timothy?
At the St. Timothy Women’s Prayer Breakfast, there was a Quiz about our Patron Saint Timothy. Test your own knowledge about the Saint. Each week, a question or two will be put in the bulletin. You’ll have to come back next week to get the answer!
Answer the Following Questions:
What happened to St. Timothy as an adult that usually happens soon after birth?
With whom does St. Timothy share a Feast? On what day?
Answers to Last Week’s Questions:
How did St. Timothy die?
By martyrdom, being clubbed to death on the Pagan Feast of Katagonia
What cities have held the tomb of St. Timothy?
Ephesus, Constantinople, and Termoli (in Italy)
This Week in Our History: March 25-April 1
1963: Attendance at Mass last Sunday was 935 and 400 received Communion.
1969: The House Committee on Health and Welfare is considering House Bill #71 which proposes a liberalization on the law of abortion. You should show your concern about this bill by writing to the Chairman of the Committee, Carlton E. Davidson and to your House Representative, Lawrence E. Hughes, addressed to the State Capital.
1970: Ruth DuMont introduced Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Grospic, a Czechoslovakian refugee family. They need help getting started again…They need everything from a job, living quarters, toys, clothes, appliances, and on and on. This tormented family is not some far-distant news item – they are right here at St. Timothy’s.
The Council heard a distressing report from the finance committee – will you please make an effort to bring your pledge up to date. We are not maintaining a sound financial base and we ask your cooperation in this regard.
1971: We sincerely welcome Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D’Orsi and Mrs. Sally Vickers. New members of the parish through Baptism are Christopher Forster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Forster, and Christine Leonard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Leonard.
1975: Women’s Club ‘Big Bear’ Luncheon on Tuesday, April 1 at 11:45 a.m. Shake off the winter doldrums with and enjoyable luncheon with your friends. Make your reservations with Lea Guarasci or Mary Jane Sanese. Tickets are $1.50 and may be obtained by calling Irene Sova.
1977: Thanks to Paul Bubenchik for installing lights in the confessional.
The Easter Vigil Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, April 9 at 8:00 pm. We have invited the people of St. Andrew Parish to join us this year, since they don’t usually have a very large crowd for this service. Father Schulz has kindly volunteered to come and sing the Easter Preconium (The Exultet). We don’t have any adult converts to be baptized this year, unfortunately, so the service will not be terribly long. It will include the blessing of the fire, lighting of the Easter Candle, blessing of the Easter Water and two Old Testament Readings and responses. It should be very beautiful and we hope you will plan to attend.
1978: Happy Easter from Pastor Reverend William De Ville, Rev. John Tague, (in residence, Chaplain Riverside Methodist Hospital), and Rev. Paul Enke (Chaplain Bishop Watterson High School).
Thanks to Jim Flanagan for dismantling the old confessionals. God bless you, Jim!
We have received permission from Bishop Herrmann to order a new organ…We will not be given permission to paint…or buy new carpeting until the Bishop is sure that we are not going to have to borrow further.
1979: Father DeVille offered Mass for all the parishioners of St. Timothy Sunday, Mar. 18 in St. Peter’s Basilica. [Note: Our current pastor, Fr. Tim Hayes, was a College Student on a foreign study program in Rome during this time, and he met Fr. DeVille while he was on his sabbatical there.]
1980: Altar servers. Weekdays: Vince Fabro, Pat Haney. Friday Stations of the Cross: Chris Marchese, Mike Guarasci, Tim Carroll, Mike Sweeney. Saturday: Dave Sugar.
Sunday: Marty Nobile, Greg and John Steller, Joe Dorrian.
1981: Mar. 29. We welcome to St. Timothy Parish Father Charles T. Thomas who has been appointed Administrator of the parish until a new pastor can be appointed. Father Ted is one of the Vocation Directors for the Diocese of Columbus and has been teaching at Watterson High School this year.
1985: This week concludes the five-week contemporary retreat on Following Jesus in a Secular Culture…Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. following 7:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross. Resource Person: Fr. Richard Huelsman, S. J., spiritual director at the Josephinum for eleven years…presently in residence at Immaculate Conception.
Congratulations to Judy Henry, director, and all the members of our youth choir on their wonderful performance last Sunday (at Broad Street Presbyterian in a program involving over 350 young singers). The singing was great and the behavior cherub-like.
Men’s Club Telethon, Sunday, Mar. 31. St. Timothy Men’s Club will sit on the panel for Easter Seal Crippled Children’s Foundation. Phone in your pledge to Channel 4 WCMH. St. Tim’s volunteers: Tony Valentino, Nick DeSantis, Dick Elosh, Bill Evans, Paul Dusseau, Tim Thissen, Ron Hanninen, and Tim Pond.
1990: Please remember Charles (Jim) McLeod who was buried this past week.
St. Timothy RESPITE Program now available to parish members. A RESPITE volunteer is a parishioner who has been trained for providing companionship and care to an elderly or homebound parishioner for several hours, once a week or several times a month…This new parish service is designed to help caretakers.
Plan to stay for refreshments after the Sunday Masses next weekend to say goodbye to Rosemary Rengers who is retiring as our Adult Education Director.
1992: A box of cassette tapes and four pounds of noodles were found on the rectory porch the other day. If the tapes are yours, call Father Thomas.
Best wishes to our own Dick Haney and his fellow walkers who begin a WALK ACROSS OHIO on Apr. 4 to support the work of the Ohio Parkinson’s Foundation.
2001: At last!!! We have finally received the furnishing for the church and have worked out the schedule with the Bishop for the dedication and consecration of the altar, which has been set for Friday, Mar. 30 at 7:30 p.m….The first Mass in the Church will be Sat. Mar. 31. We will be in the gym for the last Masses on Mar. 24/25. Thank you for your constant patience and understanding throughout construction.
2002: Please remember in your prayers Louise Howard who died this past week.
2003: It is with great pleasure that we announce Judy Balyeat has agreed to serve as the new president for the Women’s Club…A sincere thanks to Lynn Guitteau as she completes her faithful service.
2004: Second Annual Women’s Prayer Breakfast Mar. 27 at the Fawcett Center. Rita Feige will speak on “Women’s Discipleship in Prayer”. Rita was the Catechetical Leader at St. Agnes Parish for eight years. She recently earned her master’s degree from Notre Dame…she currently serves as Religious Education Director at St. Timothy. She is an adjunct lecturer at Ohio Dominican College.
2005: Mar. 27. May the Peace and Joy of the Risen Lord be yours throughout this Blessed Easter Season.
Fathers Tom Shonebarger and Jim Coleman
2008: Easter Sunday, Mar. 23. We joyfully welcome Christopher Emswiler, Lisa Mesi, and William Preece into full Communion with the Catholic Church during the Easter Vigil Mass.
2009: Congratulations to Elizabeth Apgear and Matthew Munhall who will be married next Sunday (Mar. 28).
St. Vincent de Paul Society at St Timothy reports that the ‘Coats for
Christmas’ campaign purchased 100 coats as well as pajamas and underwear for teenagers at Rosemont; helped a family with Christmas presents; paid for heat and utility bills for various clients; bought food, paid rent and provided COTA bus passes; assembled 500 sandwiches for St. Lawrence Haven every month; collected and delivered canned food for the St. James the Less food pantry.
2010: In his pastor’s letter Father Hayes wrote about reaching for a just goal (health care for all members of society) by doing an evil intentionally (allowing public funds to pay for abortions) is always wrong…it is (our) responsibility to be politically involved and to make a difference by bringing the world at large into more correspondence with God’s will...At every level possible, we must work to continue to speak for those without a voice and to transform the selfishness that is in all of us to the self-giving that we see in Jesus Christ.
Remember in your prayers Fred Zugaro. May he rest in peace.
2011: The first planning meeting for our 50th Jubilee celebrations will be held after the noon Mass. Our celebrations will include milestones from the beginning of the parish through he first graduation from the school—a four-year period. The possibilities are endless. Let’s pick the best.
The Beta Club at St. Timothy School, by holding a bake sale and Candygram sale, raised $500 in one week for the Holy Land student support project. Five hundred dollars pays for one year of education for our sponsored student Grace at the Terra Santo School.
Recalling our Parish Lenten Retreat
Some have requested the address of our Mission Priest, Fr. Raphael Bonanno, who led our Parish Retreat the first week of Lent.
Here is Fr. Bonanno's address:
Fr. Raphael Bonanno, OFM
St. Anthony Shrine
100 Arch Street
Boston, MA 02110