Certain themes are emerging for us
at St. Timothy Church. “Welcome”
continues to present itself as something for us to attend to. How do we welcome newcomers among us? How do we help all who have been here all
along to realize that they continue to be welcome even as new members join
us? How do we respond when for whatever
reason we have not felt welcome ourselves?
Our Christian life is based on the
understanding that God is welcoming us into a share in His Life. Our responsibility as disciples of Jesus is
to accept this welcome and to share the news of the invitation. So often, we are so caught up by the many
concerns and worries of our lives that we forget to enjoy the magnitude of this
invitation. We are chosen by the Living
God to experience His Life, now and forever.
Time and Eternity are intermingled for us.
As the new academic year begins, we
renew our efforts to share our Faith with the next generation. Our Parish School (St. Timothy School ) and the Parish School of Religion (P.S.R.) are open for
business. Our Revolution Youth Group has
been very active through the Summer and has begun a new venture called
YDisciple to deepen understanding and commitment in such a way as to help them
negotiate the transitions that can lead away from practice of the Faith.
The Rite of Christian Initiation for
Adults (R.C.I.A.) is also ready to begin.
Do you know anyone who is interested in exploring our Faith? Are you ready to go deeper into your own
discipleship with the Lord Jesus? How is
your own commitment to Faith and understanding of the richness of our Catholic
heritage growing?
As you no doubt have heard, Fr. Bill, Mr. Mosholder and Fr. Tim
participated at School in the “Ice Bucket
Challenge” that went out on Facebook from the St. Timothy Youth Group. Please be sure that any donations go to the John Paul II Medical Resarch Institute and not to any other organization
that supports fetal stem cell research.
Here is the link to the JPII Medical Resarch Institute in case you need
Note: we have to be very careful about some
of the on-line challenges and to research carefully ourselves the designation
of funds for such challenges. Sometimes groups are not very selective about
causes that are supported.http://www.jp2mri.org/about.htm