Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Happy Birthday!

At today's all-School Mass, we celebrated the Birthday of Mary, the Mother of Jesus. At the Mass, we talked about the four birthdays that appear in the Church calendar: the Birthday of Mary (September 8), the Birthday of John the Baptist (June 24), the Birthday of Jesus (December 25), and the Birthday of the Church (Pentecost - 50 Days after Easter Sunday). Mary was there for all of these!

It seemed like a good day to begin a new venture--this Pastor's Blog. I have decided to create blog where I can share what I write for our Sunday bulletins with a wider public, and from time to time offer a few Pastoral Reflections that may be of use to those who share our journey of Faith. My schedule is too erratic to plan to do something every day, but once or twice a week will be good. I may be able to include past notes from the bulletin as well.

The blog has begun! Blessings on all who read it.


  1. And this comment MAY be the beginning of some parish in Ohio reconsidering the Galileo case and who is the real Pope?

    You see, I defend, like Pope Michael (or Boniface X, if you are Feeneyist, I am not strictly that, I think "omnino non" means damnation of non-Catholics if there is not even a partial conversion, in that document to Armenians from Florence Council, you know), strict Geocentrism:

    On Spirographs and Standard Candles - Cosmic Markers for Mark Shea [plus, so far, two more I link to in it]

  2. My blogs have a dedication, to nine months before this date. Or three months after it.

  3. Btw, it is technically possible sn reading your blog from your parish was the anonymous commenter on part three.

    I posted link 4 pm and his/her got comment 6 pm same day.

    Just wondering.
