Sunday, May 24, 2015

A Word from Your Pastor - May 24 Pentecost

Dear Parishioners:

Be sure that you and your intentions were in my thoughts and prayers during the Pilgrimage I just completed.  It was truly an amazing journey.  As far as I can tell so far, things moved along well at St. Timothy in my absence.  I offer thanks to Fr. Bill Faustner and to all the staff and parishioners who held the fort.  Now we are together again and have to be ready to roll.  With the Solemnity of the Ascension last weekend and Pentecost this weekend, we bring to an end our celebration of the Easter Season.  Ordinary time begins, reminding us that as we count the days and weeks of our lives, the Risen Lord is always with us according to His promise through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Pentecost is the birthday of the Church.  Through the outpoured Gift of the Holy Spirit, Jesus, our Risen Lord, equips His disciples for Mission, the proclamation of the Kingdom to all the nations.  St. Timothy Church and all our members are called to take part in this Mission.  Something new is happening in the Church and we are a part of it.  The invitation is going out to become an Amazing Parish, caught up in wonder and awe at the Presence of God among us, and conscious of our concrete responsibility in the world to build up the Kingdom through living discipleship.  If you have not heard that you are part of this, let the Holy Spirit whisper into your heart now.  You belong.  You have a place.  You have been charged to know the Living God and to share all that He has given to you with the world around you.

Rise up in splendor, People of God, and let the world see the power of the Spirit alive in you.  God has a plan for Peace and Healing in our world.  That plan demands a conversion of heart from each of us, an expansion of our vision to a deep understanding of God’s ways.  As we move into Ordinary Time, let us keep our hearts open and allow God’s Spirit to transform us into the People He calls us to be.

We offer special congratulations to all our graduates at every level of education.  May the achievements we honor now be just the beginning for you.  May your lives be a sign of what God can do in us through Faith.

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