Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Word from Your Pastor - August 30

Dear Parishioners:

Several themes are emerging as the new season begins in our life as a Parish and a School Community: Faith, Family and Mercy.  We are being invited so respond to a call to be a Welcoming Community who draw others into an experience of God’s Love and Mercy.  We are disciples of Jesus and our lives are intended to proclaim the Good News of Christ’s Presence in the world.  While we need to attend to material realities, our true purpose is to serve as a bridge into the life of the Spirit for others.

Parents are responsible for the Faith of their children.  This means that their lives must show how to follow the Lord by example as well as through what is said.  “Actions speak louder than words.”  The wider community also has a duty to the next generation, reaching out to assist with the needs of the families who join us.  When our manner of welcome is inviting, we help them to realize that they belong.  This can lead to a deeper commitment to practice of the Faith.

All of us have been entrusted with the Gospel.  We are to hold it in trust for all who have not yet heard it in a way that draws them in.  “O Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you!” (I Timothy 6:20)

How do you witness your Faith?  Has your Family made a commitment to be welcoming and to be concerned with others’ needs?  How does God’s Mercy show through you?

Are there any “themes” emerging from your own prayer?  What is the Lord asking of you and your family this year?  What do you need to do for the Lord and for His Church? What are your neighbors and friends seeking that the Lord wants to offer to them through you?  How are you responding to the invitation to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus?

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