Sunday, January 17, 2016

A Word from Your Pastor - January 17

Dear Parishioners:

The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy are actions we can perform that extend God’s compassion and mercy to those in need.

The Corporal Works of Mercy are these kind acts by which we help our neighbors with their material and physical needs.

·       visit the sick
·       visit the imprisoned

Humble, practical, down-to-earth actions on behalf of those who are left out of society for reason of illness or imprisonment are actions that expect no return.   Precisely these kinds of activities mirror God’s grace in our lives.  The Church invites us to be in contact with those who are left out and to ensure that their needs are met, respecting their human dignity. 

In times past, illness was often understood as a punishment due to sin.  Those in prison were considered as having forfeited their right to respect by transgressing community laws and standards.  Many a Saint has found his or her road to Heaven by reaching out to these classes, showing respect and understanding, and inviting others to do so.  They find Jesus in the most distressing of disguises (as Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta put it).

At St. Timothy, we have a variety of ways that members of the parish connect with the Sick.  A number of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion visit the Sick in their homes or in hospitals and nursing homes in the area.  Hospice volunteers and members of the healthcare professions are members of our parish who remind the sick that we are here for them.  Our prayers of petition often include those who are ill.  We can all be grateful for the ministry of Sr. Carolyn Thomas, S.C., who used to live in our parish and to cultivate care for the Sick and Homebound.  Many of our EMs got their start under her guidance.  I am sure that she is smiling happily upon us from her place in the Kingdom and keeping our parishioners in her prayers.

Those in prisons have from time to time benefited from members of our parish serving them in Kairos Ministry.  We have been invited to bake cookies for the Kairos Retreat and had a great response.  Becoming pen-pals with someone in prison is a possible way to help.  At times requests for Bibles and other religious literature have come our way.

It is helpful to realize that prisons are also created by false barriers being put up between persons.  Some feel unable to contribute due to a sense of rejection.  We are called by Mercy to break down these kinds of walls wherever we can.

Sacred Heart Image to be hosted at St. Timothy January 18-30

St. Timothy Parish will be hosting the image of the Sacred Heart from the Re-Consecration of the Diocese of Columbus celebration from Monday, January 18 to Sunday, January 30. The image will serve as a focal point of prayer for all members of the St. Timothy Community.  All groups and organizations are invited to make a collective visit to the church where the image will be on display and to consecrate their efforts to the Sacred Heart.

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