Saturday, April 23, 2016

A Word from Your Pastor - April 24

Dear Parishioners:

First Holy Communion weekend is always a high point in the experience of Church for parishes and families.  At this moment, we can know with a delight that goes deep into our hearts that our children are close to God.  Receiving Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time is a privileged moment.  It is a real joy to be part of this experience.  We congratulate our First Communion Class of 2016 on this happy occasion.

It is helpful to review what has happened just this past year in their preparation:

Their teachers and aides in the School and PSR have worked with the students to help them to understand the Gift of the Eucharist, Jesus giving Himself to us under the forms of bread and wine.  They worked diligently with them to prepare the Mass, which took place Saturday afternoon.  Last Monday, I visited with our second graders in the School, which I have done several times throughout the year in both the School and PSR.  Thursday we had their second practice with the School and PSR, and the Knights of Columbus gave them Rosaries. 

Earlier events in their lives this year were their First Reconciliation and Confessions with the rest of the School and PSR for Advent and Lent.  We had a workshop for them and their parents which included Benediction and the Enrollment in the Scapular to start First Communion Formation.  On Holy Thursday, they served as the Honor Guard for the Eucharistic Procession after the Mass of the Lord’s Supper.  Throughout the year, they have had visits to the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium to learn various aspects of the Church’s understanding of the Eucharist.  We have done what we can to prepare them for this great event. 

Now, all we can do is pray that their families reinforce the knowledge by practice of the Faith.  That is often the greater challenge.  The practice of attending Mass as a family every Sunday is the most important preparation both for the first experience of the Sacrament and for the life-long faithfulness to Jesus that we are all called to live.  Parents promise in Baptism to raise their children in the ways of Faith.  Being present at Mass is a requirement of this commitment.

When Bishop Campbell comes for Confirmation, he always asks, “What is the only Commandment that includes a promise?”  The answer is: The 4th Commandment – “Honor your father and mother and you will have a long life in the Land the Lord your God is giving you.”  This commandment calls for respect and obedience to parents and all in authority.  And your Pastor adds: “What is the best way to teach your children to obey the 4th Commandment?”  The answer is: For you and your family to obey the 3rd Commandment – “Keep holy the Sabbath,” which for Catholics means to participate in Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.  How can we expect our children to obey the 4th in a series if we do not attend to living in obedience for the Commandments that come before it?

We are living in a time and culture that require us to be intentional about living our Faith.  The School’s mission is: “Live in Faith.  Love and Serve.  Learn for Life.”  As a community of believers, we need to show the world that the Sacraments we receive bear fruit in our lives.  Take the opportunity this week to renew your own commitment to be faithful to Jesus in the Eucharist.

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