Sunday, August 7, 2016

A Word from Your Pastor - August 7

Dear Parishioners:

The Gospel is an invitation.  We have to face two very difficult truths in our time:  First, the Gospel, which was once a “public” bedrock in our culture has been systematically rooted out as a foundation.  At times, we are not even permitted to speak the Name of God without facing rejection.  Second, we, as a community of believers have not as yet created a witness in the world that is strong and clear enough to win the world to Christ.  Our unity is not always evident.  Many of our actions work against unity.

This is not an easy admission to make.  But it is necessary, or we cannot hope to move forward.  We are blessed, because the Lord has chosen us to be His own.  How do we share this blessing?  Abraham was called to leave a place where he was comfortable and to move to a place unknown to him.  We are now invited to put our trust in the same Lord Who led Abraham to the land of Canaan in promise of giving that Land to his descendants.  When the Spirit leads, and we follow, God’s purpose is made ever more clear.

At St. Timothy, we have learned to acknowledge that we are called to be a welcoming community.  Some have experienced that welcome.  There are others who are looking for it, but have not yet found it.  We are to promote God’s glory – indeed His “greater glory” – by seeking to grow in our capacity to welcome and to live ever more truly a deeper spirit of welcome to all we meet.  We are called to give willing service to one another as brothers and sisters, united in heart and mind, as we pray calling God “Our Father.”

Jesus gives us fair warning:  “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.”  No one can doubt that we are entrusted with much.  Much more is required of us than what we are already giving.  We cannot stay where we are.  We must grow.  We must be ready to take a journey to a place we do not yet know.  Are you willing to go?

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