Sunday, May 28, 2017

A Word from Your Pastor May 28 - Solemnity of the Ascension

Dear Parishioners:

Memory is at the heart of our Catholic Faith.  Jesus’ words to His disciples at the Last Supper were “Do this in memory of Me.”  The understanding of memory in this context, however, refers to something deeper than what we forget when our human capacity for remembering fails us.  When God is part of the picture, memory can reach past, present and future.  Memory is where Hope resides.  We look to our relationship with God and discover that He is always there for us.  In Hope, we look toward the future and even beyond, toward Eternity, and discover that God is preparing a place for us.

The Mystery of the Ascension is the Mystery of Christ that tells us that our own human nature has a glorious destiny.  Jesus suffered and died and rose from the dead in our humanity.  In the Ascension, He took that glorified humanity into the very Life of God.  Once we have that “place,” the Holy Spirit is ours and is poured out on us in a new way as a residing Presence in us.  We have the firstfruits of our Eternal destiny when the Spirit is given a place in our lives.

“Come, Holy Spirit” is the prayer of these days from the Ascension until Pentecost.  We ask God to fulfill His promise and we resolve to be docile to the Spirit, to respond to His Presence in our lives.  Together with Mary and the Apostles, we pray for the fulfillment of the promise, that the Gift of the Spirit may be poured out on us anew and that we may make Christ known to the ends of the earth.

For us as Catholics, the Sacraments are the primary means for us to receive what God’s Spirit offers.  The Holy Spirit is active in all the Sacraments, effecting the Presence of Christ and making us new creatures in Christ.  Our human nature is undergoing a transformation.  This requires our willing cooperation.  Can you hear the voice of the Lord in your heart calling you to holiness?

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