Monday, February 19, 2018

A Word from Your Pastor February 18

Lent has begun.  We had a lovely start with the Valentine’s Day observance of Ash Wednesday, being reminded of Jesus’ Love for us and His willingness to die for us.  We responded in good numbers with the acknowledgement that we are sinners in need of God’s Mercy.  We have begun the season of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving.  May we be truly faithful and continue the journey persevering all the way to Easter and beyond.

This Sunday, the Gospel of Mark tells us simply that the Spirit drove Jesus into the desert where He was tempted.  It also mentions the curious detail that Jesus was “among the wild beasts and angels ministered to Him.”  Then we learn that the Jesus began His public proclamation of the Gospel: This is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the Gospel.”

In other years, we hear more about the nature of the Temptation.  This year, we learn only that it occurred by the action of the Spirit driving Jesus to the place where He would experience humanity’s limits.  Jesus’ call to us is to acknowledge that God is accomplishing His purpose and to open our minds and hearts to the Good News.  Opening ourselves to the truth of the Gospel, we are invited to realize that God knows us completely and that He has a plan for our salvation.

Each day brings a lot of “bad news.”  On any given day, we will hear about tragic events, both natural and of our own making.  At times there will also be reports of situations that are clearly demonic, involving more than just what human beings could do on their own.  In the face of all this, having already confronted the reality of it all, Jesus tells us that we can put our trust in God and believe the Gospel.  But we have to repent, to change our minds, to move beyond where we have been to where He wants to take us.  Are we ready to do so?

A Word from Your Pastor February 11

Lent begins this week.  I invite you to take this as an opportunity to deepen and renew  your Faith and to draw others into the riches we share.  Over the past number of years, we have heard many times about the New Evangelization.  This is the effort to proclaim the Faith with new zeal, new commitment and making use of all the new means at our disposal to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.  Take some time to consider ways you can draw your family into a deeper practice of Faith.  Here are some suggestions:

First, decide as a family how you will spend your Lent: prayer, fasting and almsgiving (practical works of charity) are the three traditional means.  Choose at least one action under the heading of each of these.  How will you pray together as a family?  What will you give up?  How will you put Mercy into practice?

Second, consider the options made available by the Parish and School and invite someone outside your family to be a part of something.  Attend Stations of the Cross on Friday at 7 p.m.  Come to the People of the Passion on February 23rd.  Members of the Confirmation Class – this would be something you could do with your Sponsor and out of town guests who come to share in your Confirmation.  Join with Alpha on Sunday evenings to learn more about the fundamentals of Christian Faith.

Third, prepare well for your Lenten Confession.  The children will have an opportunity to approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation durning School or PSR Classes.  Our Parish Lenten Penance Service will be Tuesday, March 6, at 7 p.m.  Do an Examination of Conscience individually and with others, reflecting on the need for conversion.  How is the Lord inviting you to invest more of yourself in the Mission entrusted to you.

Finally, as you journey through Lent, consider how you want to live your Faith more intentionally the rest of the year.  How will you celebrate Easter and the gift of the Resurrection?  Are you interested in finding a retreat or some other practice that will help you grow in your Faith?  Make plans now and put something new on your calendar.  What do you want to see happen in the Parish that will help you grow spiritually?

Happy Lent!

Monday, February 5, 2018

A Word from Your Pastor February 4

At the present time, due to the absence of our usual office staff due to illnesses, I find that I am doing a lot of “in house” work, attending to details that usually are taken care of by Lucy Hickey and Jane Imber.  This experience takes me back to the days when I was at St. Timothy Parish as a seminarian, the summer of 1983.  It just so happened that year that Fr. Ted Thomas, the Pastor, and Lucy Hickey, the Parish Secretary, had arranged to take their vacations at the same time.  Before she left, Lucy let me in on some of the secrets of how the Office functioned, so I could assist with the essentials while those in charge were away.

When Fr. Ted came back from his vacation, I mentioned something to him about what happened in the Office.  He responded, “Oh, that’s how we do it.”  I realized in that moment that parish priests often don’t know how things are done, but rely on the staff to do them.  Happily, since those days, I have kept in touch with the basics.  And so, in the absence of the usual workers, I am able to keep things moving, while not exactly seamlessly, at least in the right direction.  When I told a priest friend that I had to work on the bulletin, he told me that he would not have a clue as to how to do that.  I consider myself blessed to have worked with office staff through my years of priesthood who have let me know how they do what they do.

I am most grateful to Lucy and Jane and our bookkeeper Dottie Cocola and all who have kept things running smoothly both when I am here and when I am away.  Please join me in prayer for a return to health for our staff and to their speedy return to repair my mistakes while they are away.  Thanks go out to those who are volunteering to fill in, Rita Feige, Dan McCallister and Kathleen Carlson.  We ask for your patience as we try to figure things out to get back to you when you happen to call.

It has occurred to me that we really need to create a list of skills that our parishioners may have that can be useful. Do you have an office skill that you might be able to offer to us so we won’t have to rely on the Pastor in the future?  I would love to have a team of folks ready to cover what needs to be done.  Send us a note or give us a call to let us know what you can offer.  If God has given you a talent or a gift, it is for others.  Your parish might just have a place for you!  Thanks to all who work so diligently behind the scenes to keep us on track.  You are appreciated even if we don’t always mention it.  We certainly miss you when you are away!

A Word from Your Pastor January 28

Each year our patronal Feast of St. Timothy (January 26) offers the opportunity for us to be united in a special prayer.  We invoke our Patron, St. Timothy, the disciple of St. Paul, and we ask God to respond to a need that is present among us and in the Church and the world.  This year’s petition asks for a change of heart in us that will give God room to act to heal those in pain through our cooperation with His grace and to guide us as a community to follow His plan for us.

Please pray for this intention often throughout the coming year:

That we may work together to create room for God in our lives
and to open our hearts to our brothers and sisters,
especially those who are in pain,
and that we may discern clearly and follow
God’s plan for St. Timothy Parish and School.

When we pray such a prayer, we must be ready to act in response to the grace that is given.  This prayer calls us to work together, never against one another.  It invites us to open our heart to God and to our neighbors.  It challenges us to pay attention to the crosses that others have to carry and to do whatever we can to assist them.  It also makes clear that we are willing to seek and to follow God’s Will and not our own.

Transformation of mind and heart are required if we are to be true disciples.  St. Timothy and his guide St. Paul are examples for us, models of obedience and love.  May we follow their lead and be worthy instruments of the Lord as He offers salvation to all the world.

A Word from Your Pastor January 21

Alpha year two at St. Timothy has begun.  On a snowy Sunday evening, there was a good gathering of folks in the St. Timothy Parish Center to share a meal, to watch a DVD by Nicky Gumbel about Who Jesus is, and to have some discussion about understanding the message of Jesus.  It was a relaxed, informal atmosphere, but it was truly profound.  There were a number of people who were part of last year’s journey and a good group of newcomers, some who had decided to join at the last minute.  The Bereavement group were delighted to serve a meal on a happy occasion. 

Alpha is designed to be a renewal, a new beginning for adults who want to explore the meaning of Faith in practical ways.  We talk about so many different things that are superficial and ephemeral with the people around us.  Where do we have an opportunity to explore together with others the deeper things of life, the things that are eternal? 

If you are experiencing a sense of “invitation” from the Lord to learn more about Him or if you have someone you would like to take to a new level of discussion, then come to Alpha.  Registration will be ongoing and this year, there will be a special appeal to members of the St. Timothy Community to make Alpha part of your Lent.

A meal, a video, a discussion of something profound, and, for families with children, the possibility of child care while you are enjoying the gathering – this is what you can expect.  How can you turn down such an offer?  The Good Shepherd is inviting you to follow Him to greener pastures.

A Word from Your Pastor January 14

At the start of a new calendar year, we say “Happy New Year.”  Then we spend several weeks or months trying to adjust to writing a new number down for the year.  We make resolutions for the future to improve our lives, taking the opportunity for a fresh start.  What are we striving for?

The suggestion implicit in our greeting is that we are working for “happiness.”  So it is worth reflecting on the meaning of happiness.  Can you give a definition?

Scripture tells us that our true happiness depends not on our own accomplishments, but on our relationship with God.  “Happy the people whose God is the Lord.” (Psalm 144:15)  How happy we are is a function of how close we are to God.  Doing the will of God, staying close to Him through prayer and through active engagement in our Faith, and being willing to share God with others are the key to happiness.

May we find a way to work together to create room for God in our lives and to open our hearts to our brothers and sisters, especially those who are in pain.  God has a plan for us and His plan alone will lead us to happiness.

So, Happy New Year!

A Word from Your Pastor January 7, 2018 -- Solemnity of the Epiphany

A Blessed Christmas!  The Solemnity of the Epiphany highlights three moments of Revelation: the Coming of the Magi, the Baptism of the Lord and the Wedding Feast of Cana. 

In each of these events of Salvation History, the Glory of Jesus as the Lord is revealed.  The Magi worship the Holy Infant as King, God and Sacrifice.  The Father and the Spirit make known the fact that the One being baptized by John is the Beloved Son and the Bearer of the Spirit who brings Salvation.  The first disciples of Jesus begin to believe in Him as they see water made wine, pointing to the coming of the Messiah Who is robed with power and glory.

We are invited to attend to these Mysteries and to renew our own commitment to follow the Lord where He leads.  He is Light from Light, the One Who leads us from the darkness of sin and death into the hope of Glory in God’s Kingdom. 

Our Christmas celebration concludes on Monday with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.  We enter into a short jaunt through Ordinary Time now, until Lent begins on February 14, Ash Wednesday.  May we continue to contemplate the glory of the Lord as He comes to us day by day.

A Word from Your Pastor December 31

A Blessed Christmas!

The Solemnity of the Holy Family reminds us that God chose to come into our world through the human family.   Jesus, Mary and Joseph lived through all the various experiences of human life and revealed the capacity that God has placed in our very nature to Love.  They lived together the mystery of Divine Life in a human manner.

As we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family, we are reminded that God continues to act in our world through family life.  The family is the fundamental building block of human society.  When we are able love at home, we are able to go out to bring the Love of God into the larger world.

Today we offer blessings of individual families with the hope that such a blessing will serve to form us as a parish family who are one in mind and heart as we invite others into God’s Family.  We also pray for families who are burdened and who do not find unity at the present time, that they will find in us the support they need that reveals the Love and Mercy of God.

As we say farewell to 2017, we seek to enter into a new year with zeal and faith, aware that God loves us and that He has entrusted us with a mission.  May our St. Timothy Family serve to witness to the power of God to bring light and healing into our world.  A blessed New Year to all!

A Word from Your Pastor Christmas 2017

Dear Parishioners and Guests for Christmas:
The Birth of Jesus reminds us of the simple truth that “God so loves the world.”  We are immensely loved by God, each one of us uniquely and all of us together as children of the same Father. 

We are invited to share the reality of Divine Life.  The Eternal Word, the Son of God, became a human being in the Person of Jesus Christ.  He entered our world and shared all the joys and sorrows of our earthly life.  Living in a human family with Mary and Joseph, He came to invite us to share the Life of the Divine Family, the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Faith prepares us to grasp this deep Truth with our hearts.  The Lord awaits a response.

Our world is in need of its Savior.  As we celebrate Christmas, may we commit ourselves anew to be the People of God, the Community of Believers who are of one mind and one heart, ready to welcome the Lord as He comes to us.

May we all be one!

Rev. Timothy M. Hayes, Pastor

A Word from Your Pastor December 24

Happy Advent!

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel!

The Fourth Sunday of Advent is our only day for the fourth week of Advent this year, so if it seems like Christmas has arrived faster than usual this year, it is because it has!  Today we will have only three of our four Sunday Masses, and then we work to get things ready for all the Christmas celebrations.  This has been organized down to a fine art at St. Timothy Parish.

First, there is the clean up from the weekend Masses.  Pews are cleared of debris left behind and kneelers are put up.  Missalettes, Bibles and Catechisms are put back neatly in their holders.  Everything is made ready in the church for those who will gather for Christmas.  Extra chairs are put out for the first Mass in the aisles and down the hall.

Then, decorations are put up for the Feast of the Nativity of the Lord.  Some of these go back many years.  Every year, they are placed around the sanctuary in a way that truly makes our simple church beautiful for the Coming of the Lord.  We can be grateful to all who have been our mainstay in letting us know the local traditions.  The Kanakkanatt family in particular has helped us year by year; we all miss Annette especially during these days.  (In her honor, you may have noticed, the old sacristy is being remodeled for the present-day team of sacristans who have taken up Annette’s mantel.)

All that is left is to be ready to welcome everyone who comes to be with us for Christmas.  Remember, you who are present week after week are the ministers of welcome.  We are grateful for the families who make up our parish community.  We have been charged with the mission to be a parish family in such a way that we welcome many others into the Family of God.

A Blessed Christmas to all!

A Word from Your Pastor December 17

Happy Advent!

The past couple of weeks the Sacrament of Reconciliation has been offered to our community and many priests have been with us to assist.  As we prepare the world around us for Christmas, we also ought to look inside.  I invite you to consider how you have responded to the prayer for the St. Timothy Community that we have been praying since St. Timothy’s feast day this year:

That faithful sharing in the Sacramental Life in the Church
may form all members of the St. Timothy Parish and School community
to be a clear witness of the truth of the Gospel
and of the power of the Spirit of Jesus
to bring light and healing to the world.

Have I shared faithfully in the Sacramental Life of the Church, taking advantage of all the sources of grace that God has provided for me and my family?

Have I made sure that my Catholic Faith is evident in my home, using sacramentals such as holy water, statues and pictures of Jesus, Mary and other holy patrons?

Have I participated in spiritual ways in the community of St. Timothy Parish and School, as well as in social and material ways?

Is my life a clear witness of the Gospel?  Do others come to know the truth about Who God Is by the way I live my life?  Am I truly centered on a life of Faith?

Do I respond to the impulses of the Holy Spirit, Who invites me to grow in Faith and in my relationship with God?

Do I show concern for others in need of healing?  Am I a reminder to others that God is a God of Mercy and Healing?

How do I work to bring others to Christ?  Am I engaged in the New Evangelization, seeking to make Christ known in the margins of society?

How am I living Advent?  Is my heart ready for the Coming of the Lord?

This weekend, we experience the Lord’s Mercy through the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.  May healing abound as we continue to make ready the way of the Lord.

A Word from Your Pastor December 10

Happy Advent!

Folks keep asking how my transition back into parish life is going.  My answer has to be that there has really been no time for transition.  I plunged right into hosting my family for Thanksgiving and then getting ready for Advent.  And we have suddenly had a number of funerals.  I am also involved in preparation for and celebration of a few weddings.

In addition to these life events, I have joined right in with our 8th graders in their preparations for Confirmation.  This past week has been a wonderful time of encounter with the members of the 8th Grade class at St. Timothy, visiting with all the members of the class, discussing spiritual matters.  This has truly been a delight.  Of particular note this year, our first time having the Confirmation Retreat at Camp Damascus was a rousing success.  The students came back reporting that the experience of being with the zealous leaders and youth from around the diocese helped them understand the Faith and what it can be for them.

As we enter more deeply into Advent, I invite all families to take time with one another to speak about spiritual things.  Tell stories about how you learned about Jesus and what He offers.  Listen to your children as they share with you the amazing things Jesus is inviting them to think about and to do in their lives.  The Holy Spirit is at work among us.  May we open our hearts to His action!

This weekend we welcome the families of Bethlehem who share the work of Christians in the Holy Land.  Members of the Alpha team are also extending an invitation to our next Alpha class which begins in January.  How are you responding to the Spirit’s call to deepen your faith?

A Word from Your Pastor December 3

Happy Advent!

After three months away for a sabbatical, I have returned to St. Timothy Parish just in time to begin again the cycle of the Season of the Incarnation, Advent and Christmas. 

My first plunge back into rectory life was the annual experience of hosting my family for Thanksgiving.  This year we had a small crowd – only 36 at table.

Our custom is to express what we are thankful for and family always gets top billing.  This year, the improvement in my parents’ health after some struggles earlier in the year (before my departure) were also very high on the list.

I am grateful to be with you at St. Timothy and look forward to a new season.  May we deepen together our understanding of the Faith and our awareness of God’s Love for us and the invitation He offers us to work for the Unity He wills for all humanity.  Blessings to you all!

A Word from Your Pastor August 13

My time for Sabbatical has begun and I am now away.  I wanted to leave this message just to thank you for the journey we have walked together so far.  We will begin again when I return at Thanksgiving.  I ask you to pray for me during this time and know that I will keep you in my heart and prayers as well.

The major part of my time will be spent at a School for Priests in Loppiano, Italy (near Florence), sponsored by the Focolare Movement.  As I have shared with you, this community, formally known in the Church as the “Work of Mary,” has helped me to keep my eyes fixed on the goal of Unity for all of us.  I believe that after an extended time among them, I will return to you with renewed hope for unity and a zeal to plan out our future time together.

Here is a website with information about the Priests’ School Vinea Mea at Loppiano:

Here is a prayer that I composed as a personal consecration renewing my Baptismal Vows the year I was ordained as priest.  I share it with you to let you know that I carry you in my heart as I seek to continue to grow in the life of the Spirit.

Lord, grant Your servant a listening heart.  To You, my God, Father, Son and Spirit, I consecrate my heart, my life, my all. Anointed by Your Spirit and consecrated for service among Your people, ordained to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ, I stand to worship You in spirit and in truth, to lead Your people to knowledge of Your Kingdom and to bring Your love into our broken world. May my own faith, given to me at Baptism, serve to help others see Your goodness.  May the gift of hope, residing in my heart, serve to give others confidence in Your mercy.  May my heart burn with Your own love that You Yourself may give life to our world. You have called me by name to be Your son and Your priest, Oh Lord, my God.

I stand before Your Church and offer myself to You as son and priest, that in my heart You may hear the longings of Your people and dispense Your providing love among them.  In union with Mary, Mother of the Church, Mother of priests, and my own Mother, I give You my heart to receive Your Word, on behalf of Your people and for our times.

May all my words and actions serve to bring peace and reconciliation to all who seek You.  May my hands dispense Your blessing upon Your people and touch them with Your healing mercy.  May my whole being be permeated by the power of Your love and may my life be spent in doing Your will, now and into Eternity. 

Renewing the commitment of my Baptism, and calling on the power of the Holy Spirit, Whose anointing I have received, I stand in the truth of who I am before You, Father, and with all in the Communion of Saints, and make my prayer through Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.

Rev. Timothy M. Hayes
Feast of St. John Chrysostom
13 September, 1985

[My first Baptismal Anniversary after priestly ordination]

A Word from Your Pastor August 6 Feast of the Transfiguration

Arrivederci!  Until we meet again!  This weekend is my last time to be with St. Timothy Parish until my return at Thanksgiving.  I want to take the opportunity to thank you all for the privilege that is mine to be your shepherd.  My time away is meant to be a time of growth for all of us as we seek to discern God’s invitation to a deeper relationship with Him.

I have shared at the weekend Masses my unique relationship with God.  I want to put it in writing so you can reflect upon it and pray with me over these next several months that I may respond more profoundly to who God calls me to be.

I, Father Timothy Michael Joseph Hayes, accept the responsibility to stand in my ministry knowing God as the All-Loving Provider and Listener; I am to be a listening heart, as priest, in the midst of His Church and, by my life of prayer, to hear the cry of His Flock, to dispense His providing Love in Word and Sacrament and to shepherd His people, gathering their unique ministries unto Worship in Spirit and in Truth.

This is my “pearl of great price” and I share it with you in the hope that you too will look within to discover your own treasure. 

The Feast of the Transfiguration reminds us that we are all called to share in the Glorious Life of the Risen Christ.  May we continue to see His Glory and share it with the world.  I pray the you will Shine on the World like bright stars as disciples of the Good Shepherd who will follow where He leads.  Until we meet again!  Arrivederci, carissimi fratelli e sorelle!