Monday, February 5, 2018

A Word from Your Pastor December 10

Happy Advent!

Folks keep asking how my transition back into parish life is going.  My answer has to be that there has really been no time for transition.  I plunged right into hosting my family for Thanksgiving and then getting ready for Advent.  And we have suddenly had a number of funerals.  I am also involved in preparation for and celebration of a few weddings.

In addition to these life events, I have joined right in with our 8th graders in their preparations for Confirmation.  This past week has been a wonderful time of encounter with the members of the 8th Grade class at St. Timothy, visiting with all the members of the class, discussing spiritual matters.  This has truly been a delight.  Of particular note this year, our first time having the Confirmation Retreat at Camp Damascus was a rousing success.  The students came back reporting that the experience of being with the zealous leaders and youth from around the diocese helped them understand the Faith and what it can be for them.

As we enter more deeply into Advent, I invite all families to take time with one another to speak about spiritual things.  Tell stories about how you learned about Jesus and what He offers.  Listen to your children as they share with you the amazing things Jesus is inviting them to think about and to do in their lives.  The Holy Spirit is at work among us.  May we open our hearts to His action!

This weekend we welcome the families of Bethlehem who share the work of Christians in the Holy Land.  Members of the Alpha team are also extending an invitation to our next Alpha class which begins in January.  How are you responding to the Spirit’s call to deepen your faith?

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