Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Word from Your Pastor October 31

Dear Parishioners:

We are in the midst of the annual season of “political spin.” The Church wants to remind you of three things during this time:

1. You who are laity are primarily responsible for seeing to it that the Gospel has an impact on the world around us. Church authorities are here to assist you in your task, but by your Baptism and Confirmation, you are explicitly and personally called by God to make the secular holy. So, don’t let anyone push you or your Faith out of the public sphere.

2. The purpose of public servants is to safeguard the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness that every member of society is entitled to, the inalienable rights with which we are endowed by our Creator. We must keep in mind and fight for those who do not have a voice to speak for themselves.

3. All issues must be considered as you exercise your vote, but each of us must take into account that some of the issues are foundational. Life is mentioned first in the list of our American values for a reason. It is also seen by the Church in this way.

Our Bishops have given guidance to all of us concerning the principles to be kept in mind. By way of definition, realize that when they speak of a “well formed conscience,” they mean a conscience that has been formed by a clear understanding of the teachings of the Church. When they speak of “intrinsic evil” they refer to matters that are revealed by God to be wrong in themselves, completely contrary to His Will and our Human Nature. When they speak of weighing issues with an eye to “proportionate reason,” they mean acknowledgment of the fact that some issues have more weight than others in the discernment that is necessary. The questions they offer to be considered are not a laundry list, but rather an effort to keep in view all the demands of the Gospel.

Having pointed out these things, I want to hazard just a couple of comments myself. This is the only advice I will give regarding politics:

1. Vote. Exercise your civic responsibility. If you failed to register in time for this round, then register now for the next round and say an extra prayer for those who are voting who will be deciding the course of things.

2. Please show civility in your political discussions. Remember, others do have the right to disagree and it is not your place or mine to demonize those who think differently. Please show more decorum than the ads that we have been subject to for the past several months!

The Year of Prayer: Prayer for Protection of Human Life at its Beginning

God our Father, you lovingly knit us in our mothers’ womb. Grant that each human embryo will be respected as a human being, and not dismissed as a product to be manipulated or destroyed. Grant us the courage and conviction to be your voice for our sisters and brothers at the very earliest stages of their development, and for all defenseless unborn children.

Jesus, Divine Healer, foster in those conducting medical research a commitment to finding cures in ways that respect these little ones and all your vulnerable children.

Holy Spirit, grant us the wisdom to develop morally sound treatments for conditions now thought to be incurable. Help us persevere in defending human life while alleviating suffering.

Show mercy to all who have cooperated in killing our tiniest brothers and sisters. Bring them and all who support destructive embryo research to true conversion. Grant them the ability to see the immeasurable dignity of all human beings even in the first days of life.

Father, we ask this in Jesus’ name, through the Holy Spirit. Amen.
--United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

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