Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Word from Your Pastor - December 29 Feast of the Holy Family

Dear Parishioners:

The Feast of the Holy Family mirrors all that is good about God and His world.  The Triune God is a Family – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Human beings are called to live as a family united in holiness – just as Jesus, Mary and Joseph did in Nazareth.  We pray in the Lord’s Prayer “Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”  It is God’s Will that we live in His Love, the very Love that created the universe.  Life begins and ends in "The Love that moves the sun and the other stars," as Dante put it.  As members of God’s Family, we find our life’s meaning in that same Love.

As we seek to grow in our understanding of the Mystery of the Incarnation, we discover that it is not a merely abstract idea or a concept.  It is a creative reality that moves us outside of our isolation and individualism into a community of Love.  Family life in the world today seems ever more complex.  But in the end, it is simple.  We are a Family in relationship to the God Who created us all.  We are to love one another and to do what we can to make sure that all with whom we have contact know and experience that love in a personal way.

My first assignment as a priest was at St. Mary’s in Lancaster.  My first Christmas there, I learned a custom they had which I have since carried to every parish I have served: the individual family blessing at all the Masses of the Solemnity of the Holy Family.  As we offer this blessing, I delight in watching how families configure themselves across the generations.  Children are helpful in showing just how far the blessings have to extend.  Mothers are delighted when they have managed to pull their children together.  Individuals present alone are welcomed into other families or come forward to receive the blessing to carry it home.  Family life itself, with all its joys and sorrows, is a blessing.

I am grateful to be part of the St. Timothy Parish Family.  We have walked together these years through some amazing experiences.  No doubt God has in store for us many blessings yet to come!

Focolare Word of Life for December 2013 Focolare Word of Life for December 2013: May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all (1 Thes. 3:12).

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Word from your Pastor - Christmas 2013

To the King of ages, the immortal,

the invisible, the only God. . .

 Be honor and glory

forever and ever!  Amen.
(I Timothy 1:17)
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St. Timothy Parish Mission Statement

United in the Body of Christ,
we strive to promote
the greater glory of God
through a spirit of welcome and willing service
to our brothers and sisters.”

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Schedule of Liturgies

Our Usual Weekend Schedule:

   Reconciliation:    Saturday – 4:00 - 4:45 p.m.

   Masses:                Saturday - 5:00 p.m. Vigil

                                Sunday - 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m.
Daily Services:

   Monday- Friday: 9:00 a.m. Weekday Mass

   Wednesdays during the School year: All School Mass

Holy Days:   Vigil - 6:00 p.m.

                     Holyday - 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
                     Unless otherwise noted in the bulletin

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Devotion to the Eucharist

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:

Wednesdays: You are invited to spend part of your day once a week in Adoration of the Lord Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.  The Host is exposed on the altar in the church from 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, after the Morning Mass, all day until 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise announced.
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Dear Parishioners and Guests for Christmas:

2013 has been quite an exciting year in the Catholic Church throughout the world and at St. Timothy Church locally. 

With the election of Pope Francis, we have experienced a new invitation to “rebuild the Church” by an active and loving witness of all that is good about the Catholic Church.  In particular, we are called to renew our relationship with Jesus Christ in a personal way and to move beyond our comfort zone to share with others the Joy of the Gospel.

St. Timothy School, which opened its doors to students first in the academic year 1963-64, has been celebrating its Golden Jubilee.  In January 2014, we will experience special Masses with the Parish and the School as we celebrate the Feast of our Patron Saint Timothy.  Many other events throughout the year will serve to acknowledge the gift of our Parish School.  We encourage all Alumni and families of St. Timothy School students to take part.

The Good Shepherd has been calling us to renew and deepen our understanding of the Catholic Faith and to develop resources as a Parish and a School to respond to the New Evangelization.  Journey with us as we follow the voice of the Shepherd who calls us by name to belong to His Flock.

A Blessed Christmas to All!

Rev. Timothy M. Hayes, Pastor
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Do good, be rich in good works, be generous,
ready to share, thus accumulating as treasure
a good foundation for the future,
so as to win the life that is true life.
O Timothy, guard what has
been entrusted to you!
(I Timothy 6:18-20)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Word from Your Pastor - December 22

Dear Parishioners:

The Fourth Sunday of Advent tells us that Christmas is right around the corner. 

Christmas tells us that Jesus, Who is Emmanuel, God-with-us, is born for us.  We celebrate the gift of the Incarnation, that is, the reality of the Word-made-flesh, God’s entering fully into our world as one of us in the Person of Jesus Christ.  This Mystery changes how we see our life in this world.

Often, Christians are accused on not looking at this world as important.  Because we turn our thoughts to Eternity, it is thought that we do not concern ourselves with the world around us.  If Christmas is understood properly, however, it becomes quite clear that the exact opposite is true.  God so loved the world, that He sent His Only Son to be our Savior.”  (John 3:16)  If God so loves us as to be concerned with our lives on the earth even to the point of living out a human life among us, then our Faith calls us to attend to the realities of this world as well.  God’s Love, lived among us, leads to a deeper involvement in the world.

All human beings are made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26).  Jesus Christ is the perfect human being.  Christians are called to live in this world in order make Christ present to all.  As we enter into the events of Christmas, the family traditions and the cultural activities that shape our experience of the season, may we open our hearts to the simple truth that we share this life with God and that He promises to draw us into something even greater in the next.

Let us be a community of welcome to all who join us in the Masses of Christmas.  May we become ever more truly a sign to the world that Christ is born for us all.

To all who will be away from our parish family: be sure that you are in our prayers at all the Masses of Christmas.

Focolare Word of Life for December 2013: May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all (1 Thes. 3:12).


Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Word from Your Pastor - December 15

Dear Parishioners:

Advent is a season of expectation, waiting and preparation.  We await the fulfillment of God’s promises in human history, in our hearts and in our lives.  The Advent of Jesus Christ refers to three “Comings”:

  • The “Second Coming” at the end of time, when Jesus will return in Majesty;
  • the Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, when His Coming fulfilled the promises of Scripture, announcing Salvation for Jews and Gentiles, His Coming in History;
  • and His Coming to us through the Sacraments in the Life of Grace, His Coming in Mystery.
As we live out our Faith, we are charged to be ready for the Lord when He comes again in glory.  We also cooperate with grace in opening our hearts to His Presence in human history and in our experience of the Sacraments.  One special form of preparation is the “housecleaning” that takes place through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

The children of our parish in PSR, in St. Timothy School and in any of our Catholic High Schools have had the opportunity to receive the Sacrament with their classes.  Our Parish Advent Penance Service will be this Tuesday, December 17, at 7 p.m.  All are invited to approach the Sacrament at this time or to make plans for another time – available every Saturday afternoon at 4 p.m. at St. Timothy Church, or at one of the other parishes of our deanery.

How often do you put off going to see your physician?  Now is the time to approach the Doctor of your soul, to allow Him to heal whatever ails you.  If it has been a while, let this be the year you decide to renew your commitment to open your heart to the Lord.

Sometimes, folks will stay away because they are not sure how to approach the Sacrament.  Don’t worry, the priest will guide you.  The tech savvy may find an app for a smart phone to walk you through the Sacrament.  For anyone, here is a short summary of what to do:

  1. Make the Sign of the Cross with the priest.
  2. Say “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.  It has been [however long] since my last Confession.  These are my sins.” [Name them, especially those weighing most heavily on your heart.]  Remember, the seal of Confession means that the priest can never under any circumstances reveal your sins to anyone, so you can be completely honest with him.  You are speaking to Jesus in and through the priest.
  3. The priest will give you a few words of counsel and then name a penance, that is, a prayer or an action that expresses your sorrow and your desire to change.  You will “do your penance” after the Confession is over.
  4. The Act of Contrition is usually done in common at a penance service.  When you go to confession at other times, you are invited to make one at this point.  Call to mind the one you learned when you made your First Reconciliation.  Or you may say something as simple as, “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.”  The main point is to express your sorrow and your intention to turn away from sin in the future.
  5. The priest will give you absolution (God’s forgiveness) and you make the Sign of the Cross as you receive it. 
  6. The priest may say, “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.”  If he says this, you respond, “His Mercy endures forever.” 
  7. Some final words of dismissal are spoken, and you will say “Thanks be to God.”  You may also say Thank you to the priest when he gives you your penance and at the end of the encounter.
The St. Timothy Penance Services for Advent is Tuesday, December 17, at 7 p.m.

Make plans to open your heart to the Lord through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Focolare Word of Life for December 2013: May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all (1 Thes. 3:12).

Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Word from Your Pastor - December 8

Dear Parishioners:

God has given us many gifts.  The greatest gift is His Presence among us in the Person of Jesus Christ.  If we but knew this Gift of God and Who He IS, all else would make sense.  As it is, we only get a glimpse.  Through our cooperation with Grace, we get an inkling of what He offers, and we are invited to make a personal response.

God is God.  He could overpower us.  But He wills our freedom.  And He seeks our love in response to His Love.  The essence of the Christmas Message is that God has come to live among us, and that He has empowered us to live in His Love.  All the actions of charity, all the exchange of presents, all of the celebrations with food and fellowship that we experience together are a reminder that Love moves creation.

This weekend, we experience the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick as part of our weekend Masses.  Each Sacrament imparts a special grace.  This Sacrament plunges the reality of human weakness and illness into the Mystery of Christ, offering us a taste of Mercy as healing and strength.

Notice the simple details of the Sacrament.  There is prayer for the Sick and those who care for them.  There is a laying on of hands, a touch that calls to mind the Presence and action of the Holy Spirit.  There is an anointing with the Oil of the Sick, on the forehead and palms of each person who comes forward.  There is silence and unity of mind and heart among those receiving the Sacrament and the whole body of believers assembled to pray with them and for them.  Together, in the context of the Proclamation of the Word and the Celebration of the Eucharist, we know the Presence of Jesus the Healer.  God’s Mercy flows among us and we are to carry it out into the world in need of healing.

Monday will be the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception – our Nation’s Patronal Feast.  Although due to its transfer from Sunday it is not an obligation day this year, all are invited to participate in the Mass of the Solemnity in order to pray for our country and to honor our Blessed Mother for the gift God made present in her – redeemed humanity and a vessel of Grace.

Make plans now for your participation in our Parish Penance Service Tuesday, December 17, at 7:00 p.m.  Give Christ His place in your heart this Christmas by attending Mass on Christmas Eve at 5 p.m., 7 p.m. or 10 p.m., and then again on Christmas Day at 8 a.m. or 10 a.m.  Note that you are able to receive Holy Communion twice if you attend a second Mass.  There are four distinct Masses of Christmas: the Vigil, Mass at Night (traditionally called the “Midnight Mass”), Mass at Dawn and Mass at Day.

In the meantime, live Advent – waiting patiently and longingly for the Messiah.

Focolare Word of Life for December 2013:
May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all (1 Thes. 3:12).

Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Word From Your Pastor - December 1

 Dear Parishioners:

Advent begins a new Church Year.  We have just concluded the Year of Faith called for by Pope Benedict XVI and completed by Pope Francis.  The Mystery of Christ unfolds in ever new ways in each season.

The Season of the Incarnation, the Advent-Christmas cycle of our Liturgy, sets our sights on the wondrous fact that in Jesus Christ, God is with us.  Forever our human nature has a place in the heart of the Trinity.  If we only knew the depth of this Mystery, we would see our whole world in a new light.  Every human being is one with us in Christ.  When we are aware of this unity, the troubles we face do not overwhelm us.  We begin to hope in Christ for the resolution of conflicts and for peace in the world.

As we begin a new year together, it is good to make new resolutions and to listen deeply to the call of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.  As I hear it, three particular themes are emerging in the life of our community: Evangelization, Family, and Catechesis in the Faith for all. 

As a Parish, we are the presence of the local Church in a distinct area.  Our members have heard the Gospel and are called to be disciples who share our Faith in Jesus in practical ways with any and all we encounter.  The Family is the Domestic Church, the very place where each one of us begins to understand the meaning of Faith and our relationship with God.  Catechesis is the manner in which we deepen our understanding of the Faith. The Good Shepherd is among us, calling us back into the flock and bringing us to green pastures.  He is inviting us to grow in our relationship with Him through a renewal of our commitment to one another and through our going out into the wilderness to find the lost.

What are your resolutions concerning Faith?  How will you respond to the Good Shepherd as He gathers you and your family into His arms and leads you home?  To whom do you need to proclaim the Gospel?

Focolare Word of Life for December 2013:

“May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all.” (I Thessalonians 3:12)

 The New Evangelization at St. Timothy Parish

Our Seminarian interns, Stephen Vaccaro and Alex Pacelli, are making the rounds of parish groups to share their mission for the year at St. Timothy Church.  They have visited with the Knights of Columbus, the Parish Pastoral Council, the Youth Group and with the Home and School association.  They have now had two Door-to-door missions with Seminarians of the PCJ New Evangelization Club and members of our Parish this year.  Two more will be planned in the Spring semester.

Dec. 5th - Planning day at the parish

Anyone who wants to tag along or participate in some way can contact Stephen Vaccaro at The hope/plan is to create our own Evangelization Club to learn about the process of evangelization and to create opportunities for members of our parish to respond to the Church’s call for a New Evangelization – new in its ardor and new in its methods.

Penance Services for Advent in our deanery (Northwest Columbus) are set as follows:
Our Lady of Victory: December 8, 6:30 pm.
St Brendan: December 9, 7 pm
St Joan of Arc & St. Peter together: December 11, 7 pm at St. Peter
St Agatha: December 15, 3 pm
St Timothy: December 17, 7 pm
St Margaret of Cortona: December 17, 7 pm
St Brigid of Kildare: December 22, 5 pm

Make plans to open your heart to the Lord through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Synod on the Family 2014

The upcoming special Synod on the Family and the preparatory document available at the Vatican website look promising for dealing with issues of primary importance.   It was suggested that the parishes of our deanery take themes for future efforts from those noted in the questionnaire:

Collection for Aid to the Philippines

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has asked that all dioceses in the United States hold a special collection to raise desperately needed funds to assist the recovery following the devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan. Bishop Campbell has designated the weekend of November 30-December 1, 2013 for this collection.

This storm destroyed entire villages and wrecked cities across the Philippines and Vietnam. As many as 10,000 people are feared dead and more than 9 million people have been affected. The full extent of structural damage is still unknown. On this weekend that follows our national celebration of Thanksgiving, let us show our gratitude for the good things we enjoy by supporting those who are suffering in the Philippines and Southeast Asia.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Consecration to the Sacred Heart and Consecration to Jesus Christ the King, Our Good Shepherd

Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
by Pope Leo XIII (Annum Sacrum, May 1899)

Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly prostrate before You. We are Yours, and Yours we wish to be. But, to be more surely united with You, behold, each of us freely consecrates himself or herself today to Your Most Sacred Heart.

Many, indeed, have never known You. Many, too, despising Your precepts, have rejected You. Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to Your Sacred Heart.

Be King, O Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken You, but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned You. Grant that they may quickly return to their Father's house.

Be King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom discord keeps aloof, and call them back to the harbor of truth and unity of faith, so that soon there may be but one flock and one Shepherd. 

Grant, O Lord, to Your Church, assurance of freedom and immunity from harm. Give peace and order to all nations, and make the earth resound from pole to pole with one cry: "Praise to the Divine Heart that wrought our salvation--to it be glory and honor forever!" Amen.

Consecration of St. Timothy Church to Christ the King, our Good Shepherd

As we conclude this Year of Faith, Lord Jesus, we consecrate to You all the members of St. Timothy Church, all our families, and all those we love. 
We give thanks for the fidelity of those who have gone before us in the ways of Faith, as we have walked together as a parish across half a century, and now we commit ourselves and all we have and are to continue in the journey of Faith that lies ahead of us, until that Day when You come in glory with salvation for all Your People.  We claim You as our Lord and King, and as the Savior for each one of us and for all who freely respond to the grace of Your Spirit. 
We hear Your voice and acknowledge You as our Good Shepherd, and we choose to follow you as You lead us home to Your Kingdom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit.  Claim us anew as Your Flock and form us as Your disciples, teaching us how to draw others into Your Kingdom.  We make our prayer in Your Name, Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.  Amen.

A Word from Your Pastor - November 24

Dear Parishioners:

With the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, the Year of Faith reaches its culmination.  We have lived an entire year and more looking at the gift of our Catholic Faith and hearing the invitation to respond to the Lord’s Call.  What will remain after this year?  It is up to each individual and each family to ensure that the efforts of the past year bear fruit in action.

As a parish, we have had many initiatives that assist us to grow in Faith.  Not the least of these has been the reading of a portion of the Catechism of the Catholic Church at each weekend Mass throughout the year.  The commentators have led us in a journey through 184 points on our Faith, 55 pages of 299 on the Creed.  The small Catechism we have in our pews has 756 total pages including 2865 points, covering the Creed, the Sacraments, the Moral Life and the Life of Prayer.  So all of us have a long way to go before we can say we have covered all the most important points of our Faith.  We have made a good beginning.  The final points offered this weekend are a summary “in brief” of what it means to respond to God in Faith.

Now is the time for every member of our parish and each family to consider how to continue to grow in Faith.  Men, will you commit to be leaders in your family and in the wider community, showing us how to be brave and bold in our proclamation of Faith?  Women, will you commit to share your heart with the Lord and and teach us how to Love as God loves?  Children, will you continue to share with us your zeal and enthusiasm for Life and to lead us to a confident Hope in God’s Mercy?  Can we all agree to keep growing together in our commitment to Jesus Christ as the King of the Universe, as our Universal Lord and Savior?

Have a look at one parishioner’s journey with the New Evangelization Club from the Josephinum who are visiting the neighborhoods of our parish included as “A Word from the Flock” in this week’s bulletin.  Consider who is waiting to hear your personal invitation to Faith.

This weekend, we have our Ministry Fair, where the various groups active in our Parish and School invite us all to participate.  Please take the opportunity to respond to the call of your brothers and sisters as they work to build up the Kingdom.

Let each soul stand before the Lord and renew the commitment to live as a disciple.  Choose to stand with the Church, in union with Pope Francis and all who lead us along the path of Truth.  Respond to the call to share Faith with those who have wandered away and those who have never come to know Jesus as He truly Is, the King of the Universe and Savior Who offers all the Kingdom God has prepared for us since the foundation of the world.

Year of Faith October 11, 2012November 24, 2013

We conclude our journey through the Year of Faith of Faith with the Masses of this weekend.  We will not be reading through the Catechism as we have, but from time to time will continue to offer some matters for reflection that will allow us to deepen our understanding of the Faith.


ARTICLE 2   WE BELIEVE                        IN BRIEF

176 Faith is a personal adherence of the whole man to God who reveals himself. It involves an assent of the intellect and will to the self-revelation God has made through his deeds and words.
177 “To believe” has thus a twofold reference: to the person and to the truth: to the truth, by trust in the person who bears witness to it.
178 We must believe in no one but God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
179 Faith is a supernatural gift from God. In order to believe, man needs the interior helps of the Holy Spirit.
180 “Believing” is a human act, conscious and free, corresponding to the dignity of the human person.
181 “Believing” is an ecclesial act. The Church’s faith precedes, engenders, supports, and nourishes our faith. The Church is the mother of all believers. “No one can have God as Father who does not have the Church as Mother” (St. Cyprian, De unit. 6: PL 4, 519).
182 We believe all “that which is contained in the word of God, written or handed down, and which the Church proposes for belief as divinely revealed” (Paul VI, CPG, § 20).
183 Faith is necessary for salvation. The Lord himself affirms: “He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned” (Mk 16:16).
184 “Faith is a foretaste of the knowledge that will make us blessed in the life to come” (St. Thomas Aquinas, Comp. theol. 1, 2).

Comment:  As we close the Year of Faith, we invite you to continue to read the Catechism of the Catholic Church for yourself.  As a souvenir of the year, each family is welcome to take a copy of the Catechism and a Bible from the church pews after Mass.  It is time to renew these for use in the church, so you and your family can make use of one that has been read by your fellow parishioners through the years. 

Focolare Word of Life for November 2013: “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.” (Eph 4:32)

The New Evangelization at St. Timothy Parish
Our Seminarian interns, Stephen Vaccaro and Alex Pacelli, are making the rounds of parish groups to share their mission for the year at St. Timothy Church.  They have visited with the Knights of Columbus, the Parish Pastoral Council, the Youth Group and with the Home and School association.  They have now had two Door-to-door missions with Seminarians of the PCJ New Evangelization Club and members of our Parish this year.  Two more will be planned in the Spring semester.
Upcoming events including the Seminarian interns for the first semester are as follows: 
Nov. 24th - Youth Group
Dec. 5th - Planning day at the parish
Anyone who wants to tag along or participate in some way can contact Stephen Vaccaro at The hope/plan is to create our own Evangelization Club to learn about the process of evangelization and to create opportunities for members of our parish to respond to the Church’s call for a New Evangelization – new in its ardor and new in its methods.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Word from Your Pastor - November 17

Dear Parishioners:

Last weekend, once again, we had the experience in our parish of a “double-header” of Grace.  Our Second Graders and their families came to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  The little ones receive two Sacraments for the first time this year – Reconciliation and Holy Communion.  They are being invited to a life that includes commitment and renewal in preparation to the wonderful gift of Eternal Life.  The Sacraments are a foretaste of the glory God has in store for us.

The second Grace was the continuation of the New Evangelization Team’s project of visiting each household within our parish boundaries.  We had our Seminarian interns and their friends and a few parishioners participating in the effort this time.  Of special note were parishioners in church praying for the teams as they went out and the work of our Youth Group to supply lunches for the Evangelizers.  The hope is that many more will hear the call to take the Gospel to the neighborhood in a personal and practical way.

God is inviting us to live the Gospel now.  Our life is meant to be a Sacramental life, that is, a life that includes experiences of the Sacraments and a life that serves to make God known to others.  We are chosen by God to let others know that He chooses them too.

The promise of Eternity holds out before us a challenge that stretches us beyond our comfort zone into a living relationship with God.  A commitment is required of us: we must believe with our whole person, body, mind and spirit, heart and soul.  A willingness to die for the Faith and to live for it in a world that rejects God is also asked of us.

The greatest challenge is the charge to share the Faith in such a way that our children become believers through our words and our example.  Actions and witness speak louder than the words.  To say “I believe” is necessary.  But our Faith means nothing to anyone unless we live it with a heart that is fully engaged.

This past week, both Fr. Bill and I were away for a Retreat.  This is a special time of grace where we can spend time with the Lord and with our brother priests to renew our own priestly commitment.  Have you ever taken the opportunity to experience a Retreat for yourself?  Perhaps the Lord is calling you to deepen your relationship with Him by such a time of grace.  As you make plans for your holidays and for the new year ahead of us, why not consider a vacation spent with the Lord?

Year of Faith October 11, 2012November 24, 2013

 We continue our journey through the Year of Faith.  As one way of observing this year, each week a small section of the Catechism of the Catholic Church is read before the start of Mass.  This is a small way of offering some food for growth in Faith throughout this year.


ARTICLE 2          WE BELIEVE      III. Only One Faith

172 Through the centuries, in so many languages, cultures, peoples, and nations, the Church has constantly confessed this one faith, received from the one Lord, transmitted by one Baptism, and grounded in the conviction that all people have only one God and Father.  (Cf. Ephesians 4:4-6.) St. Irenaeus of Lyons, a witness of this faith, declared:
173 “Indeed, the Church, though scattered throughout the whole world, even to the ends of the earth, having received the faith from the apostles and their disciples... guards [this preaching and faith] with care, as dwelling in but a single house, and similarly believes as if having but one soul and a single heart, and preaches, teaches, and hands on this faith with a unanimous voice, as if possessing only one mouth.” (St. Irenaeus 1, 10, 1-2.)
174 “For though languages differ throughout the world, the content of the Tradition is one and the same. The Churches established in Germany have no other faith or Tradition, nor do those of the Iberians, nor those of the Celts, nor those of the East, of Egypt, of Libya, nor those established at the center of the world....”  (St. Irenaeus 1, 10, 1-2.) The Church’s message “is true and solid, in which one and the same way of salvation appears throughout the whole world.” (St. Irenaeus 5, 20, 1.)
175 “We guard with care the faith that we have received from the Church, for without ceasing, under the action of God’s Spirit, this deposit of great price, as if in an excellent vessel, is constantly being renewed and causes the very vessel that contains it to be renewed.” (St. Irenaeus 3, 24, 1.)

Comment:  Faith forms us as a family that transcends all the differences among us in language, culture, way of life and age.  We are made one with each other by the grace of God.  Faith informs culture and it must be cultivated.  How does your family promote a culture of Faith in your home? 

Focolare Word of Life for November 2013: “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.” (Eph 4:32)

The New Evangelization at St. Timothy Parish

New Evangelization Team November 9th

Our Seminarian interns, Stephen Vaccaro and Alex Pacelli, are making the rounds of parish groups to share their mission for the year at St. Timothy Church.  They have visited with the Knights of Columbus, the Parish Pastoral Council, the Youth Group and with the Home and School association.  They have now had two Door-to-door missions with Seminarians of the PCJ New Evangelization Club and members of our Parish this year.  Two more will be planned in the Spring semester.
We thank all of you who participated last weekend in any way, and especially the families who welcomed the Seminarians into their homes when they came to visit.  They were very excited upon their return.

Remaining events including the Seminarian interns for the first semester are as follows: 

Nov. 17th - Youth Group
Nov. 24th - Youth Group
Dec. 5th - Planning day at the parish

Anyone who wants to tag along or participate in some way can contact Stephen Vaccaro at The hope/plan is to create our own Evangelization Club to learn about the process of evangelization and to create opportunities for members of our parish to respond to the Church’s call for a New Evangelization – new in its ardor and new in its methods.