Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Word from Your Pastor May 27 Pentecost

Dear Parishioners:

“Come, Holy Spirit!” is our prayer today.  We ask for the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised to send us and we open our hearts to receive the strength and power and grace that only God’s own Spirit can offer.

We are living in a time when the need for the Spirit is more evident than ever. 

In the Gospel of John, Jesus calls Him the Paraclete, that is the Advocate, the Counselor. In a world that rejects us, we need to be sure that God is on our side.  Jesus calls Him the Spirit of Truth.  In a world that lies and deceives us all, we need to know how things really are.   We need the Spirit to open our minds and hearts to Truth.

St. Paul offers several other titles: the Spirit of the Promise, the Spirit of Adoption, the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of the Lord, and the Spirit of God  Each of these reminds us of some aspect of the Spirit in our lives.  God is the One Who fulfills His promises.  We are made children of God and given a share in the very life of God in Jesus Christ.

St. Peter adds the title “the Spirit of Glory.”  This points to the goal of the Spirit, our entering into the new Life that Christ won for us through His suffering, death, Resurrection and Ascension.

As we celebrate Pentecost, let us live the Life of the Spirit and witness to the world the grace and power of God.  Let us call upon the Spirit to lead us into the Kingdom.

Thanks to all who participated in our Ministry Fair last week.  Thanks also to the Knights of Columbus and to Dr. Kathy Lutter for their efforts to resist the attacks our government is making against the Liberty promised us by our Constitution.  Let us keep up the good fight!  And let us pray that the Spirit may move the hearts and minds of our public officials, reminding them of their responsibility to work for the common good of all.

Celebrating our Golden Jubilee:  Getting to know Saint Timothy’s Community of Faith.

We are looking at St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, since Ephesus was the see where St. Timothy served as Bishop.  This may offer some perspectives on the Church and the Community among whom Timothy lived and ministered.

Therefore, putting away falsehood, speak the truth, each one to his neighbor, for we are members one of another.  Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun set on your anger and do not leave room for the devil.  The thief must no longer steal, but rather labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with one in need. No foul language should come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for needed edification, that it may impart grace to those who hear. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with which you were sealed for the day of redemption. All bitterness, fury, anger, shouting, and reviling must be removed from you, along with all malice. And be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another as God has forgiven you in Christ.  (Ephesians 4:25-32)

St. Paul calls the Ephesians to respond to the action of the Holy Spirit and to become true to the person God has called each of them to be.  Unity and honesty go hand in hand.  Human emotions such as anger ought not to be permitted to lead to divisions.  Kindness, Compassion and Forgiveness are the marks of the Holy Spirit of God Who has “sealed them for the Day of Redemption.”

How fitting this simple reminder from Paul to the Ephesians for us today!  The call to be who God has created us to be is an invitation that is often unheard in the way we treat one another.  Our world today needs a sign that God is truly with us.  We are sealed by the Holy Spirit, so we must live by the Spirit.

This Week in Our History:  May 27-June 3

1963:   This is the last day for catechetical instruction this term.  Our thanks to the teachers who put so much time and effort into making the program a success.  Parents should see that children are regular in reception of the sacraments during the summer.

1964:   The banns of marriage are announced for the first time between Hugh Dorrian, Jr. of St. Timothy’s and Janice Flynn of St. Mary Parish, Mt. Vernon, New York

1965:    This afternoon at 4:00 o’clock, Monsignor Kleinz will offer a Solemn Mass to commemorate his 25th anniversary in the priesthood.  Members of the parish are invited to the Mass and to a reception at 8:00 pm in the parish hall.

New Member of the Parish:  Ann Rae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Della Flora

1966:   Next Saturday there will be no 9:15 am Mass.  Ember days are no longer binding.

The banns of marriage are announced for the first time between Michael McDonald of Holy Name Parish and Joan Doyle of St. Timothy’s.

1970:   The following appointments are made by Bishop Elwell at the recommendation of the Diocesan Priest’s Personnel Board:  effective June 16, 1970, Rev. Augustine Winkler, Holy Name Church; Rev. Joseph Stanton, St. Timothy Church; Rev. John Burkhart, director of Family Life Bureau and counselor at St. Charles High School

Pope Paul celebrates his fiftieth anniversary of ordination and the 11:00 am Mass today will be for his intention.

1971:   Father Mike Garrison has been serving St. Timothy for the past year as deacon and priest.  He has been a great help to all of us.  Father Mike will be leaving for Baker City, Oregon very soon.  Next Sunday will be his last at St. Timothy.  He will offer a special Mass at 12:30 next Sunday.   Afterwards there will be a coffee Klatch and reception for him.  The parish is invited to bid farewell and God speed to him.

Bingo workers are needed.  The monies are used to help pay the debt.  To continue this, men are needed for bingo and women are needed for concessions.  Call Chuck or Jeanette Kabealo.

1972:   Congratulations to the following newly elected representatives to Parish Council:  Gloria Langdon, Pat Conway, Emerson and Joan Whisner, Tom Bustin, Frank Guarasci; to the Board of Education, John Stock, Mike Mikolajcik, and Edna Whitacre; and to Mrs. Henry Colson of St. Timothy who is the next President for the North Central Deanery.

The pastors, and we hope the entire Parish, are proud of these outstanding and fresh leaders to whom we look for active service in the year ahead.

1978:   A Mess!!!   That’s what the church is after Mass on Saturday night and Sunday morning.  Please take time to straighten out the pew before you leave.  ALSO, please take this bulletin HOME with you.

1979:   From the Pastor’s Desk.   It’s good to be back among you here at St. Timothy.  Rome and the Holy Land were great experiences, but there’s no place like home.  Sincere thanks to all who kept the place going so well while I was gone, especially Msgr. Kennedy, Father Tague, and Father Farina, who did the priestly things, and Lucy Hickey, the Parish Secretary, who had to be responsible for so many other things. All of you were in my thought s and prayers each day, and I hope I will be able to share effectively with you what I learned and experienced.

1981:   The wedding of Libby Thornton of Dublin Community Church and Christopher Sanese of St. Timothy will take place Saturday, June 6th at 7:00 pm in St. Timothy.

1984:    Weddings.  On Saturday, June 9 at 7:00 pm Carol Wilson of Chapel Hill, North Carolina and Roch Will of St. Timothy will be married here at St. Timothy church.

1985:   Congratulations to Andrew Hinkle, Brian Tornes, and Shafi Saiduddin on receiving the Eagle Scout Award.  All three had to work long and hard at various projects and services to receive this important award from Troop 169, our troop sponsored by the Men’s Club.  Among other things, Shafi built the railings on the bridge behind church, and improved the trail back there.  Watch for a special plaque to honor all our Eagle Scouts down through the years.

1987:   Please use the kitchen exhaust fan sparingly because this mighty unit over the kitchen ranges can pull out great amounts of air right from the air conditioning units to the great outdoors.

1988:   Thanks of the parish are extended to Ted Colbert and Fred Colllier for their excellent work in completing the post and chain fencing along the south side of the church and cafeteria.

1992:   Dear Friends,

                 As of early this past week, I was still expecting to move from St. Timothy next year in compliance with the tenure policy of the diocese.  And I was fearful of a full year of goodbyes since I dread leaving.  As it turns out, my fears were unfounded, as I will be leaving much, much sooner – probably July.   I have been asked to be pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Ada, Ohio and chaplain to the Catholic students at Ohio Northern University.  You have been such wonderful people to work with and such good friends that leaving will be very hard.  At the same time, I am excited about trying out a somewhat different kind of work.  I also remember that my assignment TO St. Timothy came just this same way – quickly and surprisingly.  So if this next assignment is even half as enjoyable as this one has been, I will be doubly blessed.  (Your new pastor) whoever it is, will soon realize what caring, good and kindly people he will be working with.  I can’t begin to thank you enough for your many kindnesses over the years.  I think the limited tenure idea is a good concept as I tried to explain in a letter to the children of the parish reprinted below, the letter that is, not the children…

    One thing that I have learned about life is that there is always change….Best wishes in all the changes in your life, and always try to look at the exciting and enriching parts of new things.

                                                                          Father Thomas

1993:    As we near the close of the school year, we thank Eileen Gibian and these wonderful people who volunteered time and talent in our parish CCD religious education program:  Msgr. Michael A. Nugent, Mary Ballantyne, Amelia Bartz, Joseph Boyle Lisa Dop, Tara and Jim Harper, Pam Powell, Ginny Stawiarski, Rose Swearingen, Colleen Ziemba.  May God reward you for helping proclaim His word!

1994:    Beginning July 1st, the law will change that WILL NOT allow smoking in public buildings.  This applies to our bingo games.   St. Timothy bingo will become NON-SMOKING.  If smoke has been your reason for not working, please consider helping now.  Call Al Brehl

1995:   Please remember in your prayers Robert Miller, a member o f the parishwho died and was buried this past week.

1996:    Congratulations to Jack and Kate Fleming on their 45th wedding anniversary and Joe and Pat Harper on their 50th.

Please remember in your prayers Bruno Chiappi, a member of St. Timothy who died and was buried this past week.

1998:   Thank you from the Rossetti Family.  I wish I could thank each of you individually for your outpouring of support for my children and me during this devastating period in our lives.  What we lost (in our house fire) compares to nothing of what could have happened.  While we are dealing with the after-effects of this ordeal your prayers and support have helped lighten our load.

     Thanks to all of you, Mary, Ricky, Vince, Maria, and Michael Rossetti

1999:   Please remember in your prayers Jean Price (parishioner and former school secretary) who died this past week.

2001:  Please remember in your prayers Jacqueline Binkley and Lynette Brehl who died.  May they rest in peace.

2002:   Father Mike Ellifritz, Chaplain at Riverside Methodist Hospital,  is having a Mass of Celebration for his 35th Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood.  It will be at St. Leo Church on Sunday, June 2 at 1:30 pm.

2003:   The Women’s Club would like to extend its gratitude to Nelly Salimbene (who) recently donated a beautiful punch bowl for use during our many events throughout the year. Thank you very much for thinking of us.

2004:   Congratulations to Lauren Fracasso and Ryan Steinbaugher who will be married next Saturday (June 5).

All parishioners are invited to a farewell reception in the cafeteria for Sr. Jeanne Brown Sunday, June 6 after the 10:00 am Mass.  Besides her regular ministry to the sick and shut-ins, Sister shared her leadership in the Vintage Club as well as helping with anything that was asked of her.  Plan to stop by to wish her farewell and best wishes on her future endeavors.

2006:    Congratulations to Msgr. Nugent.  All are invited to attend a reception today after the 12:00 Mass in honor of Msgr. (James) Nugent’s 50th anniversary of his ordination.  Plan now to join the parishioners in congratulating Msgr. Nugent on his 50 years as a priest and his continued service to the Church.

2007:   Please remember in your prayers Gilda Capuano who died this past week.  May she rest in peace.

2009:  Please remember in your prayers Fred Simon who died.  May he rest in peace.

2010:    We are happy to welcome a “guest” for the summer, our seminarian intern, Adam Pasternak.

2011:  A Word from Your Pastor.  This weekend we have some good news and bad news to share with everyone.

    The good news is that we have two new priests in the Diocese of Columbus – Fathers Ty Tomson and Ryan Fisher – and that our own Priest-in –Residence, Fr. Bill Faustener, is observing his 35th anniversary of ordination on Sunday.

    The bad news is that Sr. Carolyn Thomas will be leaving our Parish this week to return to her Motherhouse.  This latter reality has come about suddenly due to health reasons.

    Providence has given us a rather energetic Seminarian, Vince Nguyen, to assist with things while he is here….My hope is that some of you will be inspired by Vince’s zeal and hear the Lord’s invitation to keep everything moving along.  What is the Lord asking of you and your family?

The Bereavement Ministry Team is available to anyone who has lost a loved one and feels the need for extra support.  Enclosed in this week’s bulletin is a flier introducing the team (Dc. Marion Smithberger, John Olszewski, Mary Helen Olszewski, Ellen Limes, Joyce Nobile, Bob Dorinsky, Jack Gibney).  Feel free to contact any one of us if we can help.

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