Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Word from Your Pastor August 5

Dear Parishioners:

What is happening at St. Timothy’s now that all our big parish events have been completed for the Summer? 

Most of you know that the Men’s Club and the Athletic Association have been working toward a new and safer floor for the Parish Activities Center and Gym.  This has been in the works truly since before the addition was built.  Due to the generosity of many donors through the years, annual fund-raisers and responsible stewardship and a few grants through the Diocese of Columbus, the time has come. 

St. Timothy Activities Center – The New Floor in process

Even as this message is being written, work is going on to put the new floor in place.  The installers have just completed a major job at Children’s Hospital and now they are hard at work for us.  They started the week after the Festival and hope to complete the task in a couple of weeks, in time for the new season of use that begins at the end of August.  Members of the Men’s Club and the Athletic Association have been around to ensure that everything is being done according to plan.  They are also sharing news of all that is happening so anyone who wishes to assist can help to replenish the resources needed for the events of the upcoming academic year.  A display is available in the vestibule of the church to share the vision with any who are interested.

This project is once again an example of the best St. Timothy’s Community has to offer: a labor of love that shares a vision with many for our children and the wider community.  Each generation of our Parish and School Community realizes its responsibility to make available the resources that will enable us to live and teach our values: Faith in God and in one another, teamwork and openness to all who come to visit.   We offer thanks to all who have brought this project to fulfillment and we look forward to continued growth as a welcoming Parish and School Family.  Congratulations and Job Well Done!

Stay tuned for other adventures as we close out the Summer and get ready to plunge into the Fall!

Celebrating our Golden Jubilee:  Getting to know Saint Timothy’s Community of Faith.

Up to now, we have concentrated our study on the Scriptures associated with Ephesus, since that was the diocese of which our Patron St. Timothy was the first Bishop.  We are now considering another Letter associated with that community, this time from one of the early bishops of the Church named Ignatius of Antioch.

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians, CHAPTER II.

As to my fellow-servant Burrhus, your deacon in regard to God and blessed in all things, I beg that he may continue longer, both for your honor and that of your bishop. And Crocus also, worthy both of God and you, whom I have received as the manifestation of your love, hath in all things refreshed me, as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ shall also refresh him; together with Onesimus, and Burrhus, and Euplus, and Fronto, by means of whom, I have, as to love, beheld all of you. May I always have joy of you, if indeed I be worthy of it. It is therefore befitting that you should in every way glorify Jesus Christ, who hath glorified you, that by a unanimous obedience "ye may be perfectly joined together in the same mind, and in the same judgment, and may all speak the same thing concerning the same thing," and that, being subject to the bishop and the presbytery, ye may in all respects be sanctified.

We are all familiar with the names of the Apostles and many disciples of Jesus among the first generation of Christians.  Ignatius’ Letter to the Ephesians adds a few new names of particular persons who served to build up the Church in her beginnings.  The Deacon Burrhus, the Bishop Onesimus, and Euplus and Fronto, members of the Ephesian community who are with Ignatius on his journey to martyrdom in Rome, all are noted as representatives of the Faith of the Ephesians that encourages him on his way.  A living relationship among the faithful and the clergy – deacons, presbyters and the bishop – has a power to reach beyond the community for the proclamation of the Gospel. 

This Week in Our History: August 5-12

1963:   Many of our families are moving into new homes in the parish and would like to have their homes blessed.  Call the rectory and suggest a time and we will be happy to come.

1964:   During the school year tap and ballet lessons will be offered to the children in all grades.  Classes conducted by Mrs. Helen Blair will be held on two afternoons each week after school.

1965:   Newly Baptized:  Ann Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marchese

1969:   The following is the result of the survey conducted by the Parish Council concerning the questions of the observance of holy days in the U. S.   Of the 90% who favored a change, 50% thought the observance of the holy days should remain as it has been with the exception that they no longer carry the obligation to hear Mass.  35% favored the idea of the holy days and the obligation to hear Mass be shifted to the following Sundays.  About 5% were of the opinion that the observance be omitted as not being relevant in our world today.  One parishioner who thought this way suggested that the holy days be observed with the national holidays.

1971:   On Saturday, August 14, Father Kraus will complete 20 years of Priesthood.  The 7:30 Mass will be a special anniversary Mass:  it will be concelebrated and communion will be distributed under both species; the Board of Worship has planned to make this Mass a real celebration and a preview of what they hope a major Liturgical celebration in our parish can and should be like.  After the Mass…the Women’s Club will hold a reception for Father in the parish hall to which all parishioners are also invited.

1976:   Oh No!!!  Not again!!! They’re not going to change the Mass schedule again?!  Well, just slightly.  The 6:00 pm Mass will be discontinued effective the first of September….This was decided by Father DeVille and the Board of Worship for a number of reasons, including the lack of priests to offer it and the fact that we don’t need that many Masses on the weekend.  People from other parishes who attend this Mass are invited to suggest to their own pastors that they have a Sunday evening Mass.  (And the schedule has remained unchanged ever since.)

2001:   On this Sunday, we recognize four Boy Scouts from St. Timothy Parish who have earned the Catholic Boy Scout Award--the Ad Altari Dei.  Congratulations to Ryan and Brett Ballantyne, Michael Lowder and Harrison Pease.  The award will be presented at the 12:00 noon Mass.
Mark your calendar for Sunday, August 26.  Parish Council is sponsoring an ice cream social for Fr. Shonebarger.  It is his 65th birthday and we all want to thank him for his time, his dedication and his determination to give us this 1st rate facility.  The ice cream social will be from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.  Hope to see you in the Parish Center!

2010:   A Message from Molly Davis and Family
To the Parishioners of St. Timothy,
  For those of you who do not know me, my name is Molly Davis; my husband Andy passed away 7/18/10.  Since that day, I have been the recipient of so much love and human kindness that I don’t begin to know where to start thanking people.  So, simply, thank you.
  So many thoughtful cards, generous donations, and offers to help with childcare, landscaping, and household chores in addition to countless meals, lovely cards, shoulders to cry on, arms to hold, and ears to listen.  I am overwhelmed.   I have also never in my life been more proud to be Catholic.
  The past 2 weeks, while they have been the longest in my 36 years, have also brought me into some of the most meaningful conversations of my life.  Again and again I have been told by countless people, “If I knew Church could be like this, I would go!”  Lapsed Catholics, atheists; people from all walks of life have shared with me the beauty they saw in St. Tim’s and the desire to become a part of it.    It is truly a testament to Father Tim and all of you that so many were impacted by the love they saw not just at the viewing or the funeral, but at the reception afterwards, and in the myriad ways that my boys and I are being lifted up in this difficult time.
  What we have here at St. Timothy is truly special; an oasis of quiet dignity and healing love in a chaotic world, and it is with the strength that I draw from this community that I am able to hold myself high and carry on.  Thanks to you all.
   From the back of the cry room and the bottom of our hearts,
              Molly, Johnny, Oliver, and Sam

Louise Shira (founding member) of our parish passed away this past week.  Please keep the family in your prayers.

Congratulations to Danielle Connor and Mike Dunneen, who were married here this weekend.

2011:    Clifford Pease, husband of (parishioner) Marlene Pease (and father of St. Tim’s alumni Heidi ‘92, Carlton ‘95 and Harrison ‘02) has passed away.   Please keep the family in your prayers.

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