Sunday, December 9, 2012

A Word from Your Pastor December 9

Dear Parishioners:

The Season of Advent is a particularly Marian Season.  With our Blessed Mother, we await the announcement of the Birth of her Son, Jesus.  We also celebrate some lovely aspects of her person and God’s action in her, through the grace of her Son, but in her human nature. 

December 8 was the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.    December 12 will be the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  Each of these celebrations has something to tell us about our Mary’s relationship to us, the role entrusted to her by God.

The Immaculate Conception is Mary.  As she said to St. Bernadette at Lourdes, “I am the Immaculate Conception.”  This is a clear message to humanity that human life is to be acknowledged and respected from the first moment of its existence.  Mary, conceived in the womb of her mother, came into being in the natural human way through the love of her parents Joachim and Anne.  However, by a singular grace, a special gift of God, she was preserved from Original Sin.  In her, God made a “clean start,” a “fresh beginning” to humanity.  Mary had the humanity God intended for all of us from the Beginning.  This was given to her, and to all of humanity, by the grace that would be won for us through the merits of Jesus Christ, in anticipation of God’s plan for a New Humanity.

Mary’s life was a response to the gift she recognized at work in her.  When the Archangel Gabriel addressed her, he called her “full of grace.”  There was no sin in her.  Through her cooperation with the Holy Spirit, she was the source of the humanity of Jesus her Son, the Son of the Father, the Word made flesh.

The encounter between Mary and St. Juan Diego at Guadalupe in Mexico was a further reminder of God’s power at work in her for us.   To Juan, concerned about his uncle, who was in ill health, Our Lady said, “¿No estoy yo aquí que soy tu Madre?”  That is, “Am I not here, who am your Mother?”  This message expresses clearly the continuing concern of Mary’s Motherly heart for all of us.  Her visitation to the New World opened up a new chapter in evangelization that continues down to the present day.

In Mary, God reveals His love for our human nature and for human beings in need of redemption.  We are children of the Father, and we have a Mother whose life reveals the very compassion and mercy of God for all His children.  May we live as worthy sons and daughters of such a Father and Mother!

A House for the Homeless in Haiti

Great news! We have raised $2,845.00 towards a house in Haiti in honor of our Jubilee year. We only need $355 more and they will start building!

Thank you so much for your compassion for a family in need and for the great response!

If you are interested in participating, checks can be made payable to “Food for the Poor” and sent to the attention of Sonia Telusnord, 6401 Lyons Road, Coconut Creek, FL 33073. The tracking code for our jubilee home in Haiti is SC 088429 and that code should go on your check and on the envelope that you mail.

Wouldn’t this be an awesome Christmas present for a family in Haiti? We will keep you informed of our progress and THANK YOU for your generosity!

Year of Faith October 11, 2012November 24, 2013

October 11, began the Year of Faith.  As one way of observing this year, each week a small section of the Catechism of the Catholic Church will be read before the start of Mass and will be included in the Bulletin.  This is a small way of offering some food for growth in Faith throughout this year.

IV. How Can We Speak about God?

42 God transcends all creatures. We must therefore continually purify our language of everything in it that is limited, image-bound or imperfect, if we are not to confuse our image of God — “the inexpressible, the incomprehensible, the invisible, the ungraspable” — with our human representations. (Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom) Our human words always fall short of the mystery of God.

43 Admittedly, in speaking about God like this, our language is using human modes of expression; nevertheless it really does attain to God himself, though unable to express him in his infinite simplicity. Likewise, we must recall that “between Creator and creature no similitude can be expressed without implying an even greater dissimilitude”; (Lateran Council IVLateran Council IV) and that “concerning God, we cannot grasp what he is, but only what he is not, and how other beings stand in relation to him.” (St. Thomas Aquinas)

Comment:  Every human experience that is authentic points to something greater than itself.  When we want to speak of God, we rely on the fact that, although we cannot grasp God, we can acknowledge the something greater.  Our efforts to speak of God are destined to be limited by the very fact that we too are His creatures.  And yet, we can be certain of a real relationship with Him.  What aspects of experience serve to bring you to an awareness of God?  What happens in your spirit when you begin to realize that God is greater than you can imagine?

This Week in Our History:   December 9-16

Note: This project was started in February 2012; we will continue it until a full year of review is completed.

1964:   The new set of rose vestments which we are using for the first time today is the gift of the Women’s Club.  We are grateful to them for enabling us to celebrate the Mass according to the spirit of the Church and the season of Advent.

1968:   CYC has adopted a family as their Christmas project.  Toys, food and clothing for the following ages are needed.  Please bring to the parish hall.   Boys – ages 2, 7, 9, 16, 17; girls – ages 1, 3, 4, 5, 8.

1972:   We are very grateful to the Boy Scouts who, under the leadership of Gary Olsen, have improved the trails in the woods back of our property.

1973:   Announcement of Marriage:  Michael Holdsworth and Mary Jeanne DeTemple will be married on December 22.

1977:   Banns of Matrimony – Katherine Coyle of St. Timothy and Robert Ryan

From the Pastor’s Desk

  Now that we’ve had a chance to discuss the proposal to start a new school in union with St. Agatha Parish, I wish to make my position clear.  Personally, I would prefer to have a full eight grades here at St. Timothy.  After having examined all the facts, however, I believe that this is unrealistic.  Therefore, I hereby endorse the proposal to begin a new school as the only viable option for providing eight grades of Catholic education to our children.

….We have had a very good school here for some time now, and you can all be proud of that.  It’s time, though, to face facts and start out in a new direction.

1978:   Our Debt Reduction campaign is going along very well.   As of this writing, we have received pledges in the amount of $195,661.00….Our debt (with the Diocese of Columbus) now stands at $364,000.

  Saint Timothy Parish has a benefactor who has said that he will give us a substantial amount if we are able to raise our pledges to $220,000.00.  Perhaps some of you may be able to raise your pledge and some others have not yet made a pledge.

Thank you again to all of you who are making such a great sacrifice for your parish.  God will bless you.

1980:   Please remember in your prayers Dr. Louis Jentgen.

1982:   Welcome back, Fr. Ted Thomas!!!  All are invited to say “Welcome back, Fr. Ted”.  After the 10:00 Mass in the cafeteria, the women’s Club will provide coffee, punch and cookies.

1984:   Everyone is invited to a Musical Evening.  The adult and children’s choirs of the parish cordially invite you to a Christmas Concert this evening at 7:30 in the church.  Featured this year will be the Christmas oratorio of Saint Saens and a Christmas cantata for children with Father Adams as the narrator….The evening will be under the direction of Mr. Dale Beaver and Mrs. Judy Henry.  Refreshments will follow.

1985:   An Update on the Proposed Building Project.

At its meeting of December 5, Parish Council voted to endorse the proposed building project described in a mailing to all parishioners….the request to build will be sent to the diocese an early 1986.  Unless the diocese immediately says no, a series of meetings then takes place with diocesan officials to determine if St. Timothy can build, how much it can build, and how much it is allowed to borrow to build.  Watch this bulletin for developments on this issue.

1986:   Please remember Wilfred Eberhart of St. Timothy who was buried this past week.

Pizza, subs, puppets and magicians made for the overwhelming success of the St. Nick Party, December 6.  The St. Nick’s of the evening were the Valentinos and their crew of hard workers who provided delights and surprises for all who attended.  Thanks to all who worked and all who came to enjoy.

1989:   Parish Council reports that a decision was made at this month’s meeting to further consider construction of a large but simple building for school and parish physical education, recreation and dramatics.  Father Thomas has been asked to form a building/facilities committee and a pledge program committee to further this effort.

A new Service.  Thanks to the generosity of the Home and School Association and the Men’s Club the Parish  now has a brand new copying machine in the school office….We invite your parish group to use this machine from now on instead of going to Kinko’s…This machine will benefit the entire St. Timothy Parish as well as the school!

1991:   Congratulations to Greg and Sue Wetzel, who will be celebrating their 25thwedding anniversary on December 17th.

1992:    We ask your prayer for the repose of the soul of Joseph G. Hausberger, a member of the parish who died and was buried from the parish church this past week.  May he live in the Joy of God’s Kingdom.

1963:   Something new at the 5:00 P.M. Christmas Mass!   All parish 3 to 5 year olds are invited to their own Christmas celebration during Mass.  There will be carol singing, telling of the Christmas story, and a cake for Baby Jesus birthday.  We need adult or teen volunteers for this 1-hour commitment.  Call Tara Harper.

1994:   The Bubenchik family wishes to thank all parishioners for their prayers and concern for their son Mark, who was critically injured in an auto accident ten weeks ago.  Mark is home now and will be doing his rehabilitation at Riverside as an outpatient.  Complete recovery is expected in six months.

Congratulations to our new Catechumens and candidates!....Sam Williams, Frank Ryan, Connie Young, Lillian Rayner, and Jill Stock.

1999:   Remember in your prayers Earl W. Patton, who died this past week.  May he rest in peace.

2008:   Andy Davis (A.K.A. ‘Andyman’), father to Johnny Ray and Oliver and husband to Molly, will be live on-air for 48-hours straight beginning on Friday, December 19th, at 7:00 p.m. and ending at 7:00 p.m. on December 21st.  This will be the 16th year in a row that Andy has done this 48-hour marathon.  Tune to 101.1 FM CD 101 radio to listen and/or to make a donation…All proceeds go directly to CD101 For the Kids, which benefits various children’s charities.

2009:   A Word from Your Pastor

  This weekend, we welcome the Sisters of Reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, who will present the message of Divine Mercy as given by Our Lord to St. Faustina.  Their sharing with us opens our Parish Mission for Advent, a time of special grace in the life of our Parish Family.  (The mission) is the result of the Parish self-study that took place several months ago.

A huge thank you to the Men’s Club for funding our entire Christmas rosary project.  Thanks also to the Knights of Columbus for providing “How to Say the Rosary” pamphlets.  Our Girl Scouts packaged 1,350 rosaries to be distributed at the Holy Family Soup Kitchen Christmas Dinner.  We made an additional 100 rosaries to be given out at a women’s prison in a package with other Christmas gifts.  If anyone knows of a special request for rosaries…please contact Nancy Schell.

2011:    Jubilee Keepsake ‘Cat’s Meow’.  Not only was the Jubilee opening celebration the ‘cat’s meow’, each of the founding families was presented with a Cat’s Meow of the Church and School.  This Cat’s Meow is a cutout plaque depicting our St. Timothy building, inscribed on the back with the Jubilee dates.

A limited number of plaques are currently available and would make wonderful Christmas gifts.  Orders for the Cat’s Meow will be taken for the course of our celebrations.

It has only been a few months, but we still miss Sr. Carolyn, our former Pastoral Associate to the Sick and Homebound.  In light of the season, let’s all try to send her a Christmas greeting.  Her address is:  Sister Carolyn Thomas, Nazareth Motherhouse, O’Connell Hall #211, Box 3000, Nazareth, KY 40048


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