Sunday, April 26, 2015

A Word from Your Pastor - April 26 Good Shepherd Sunday

Dear Parishioners:

We are a very active community.  The Spring calendar fills up so quickly.  In a short time we will be finishing up another academic year an moving into the Summer.  As this happens, let us take the time to be sure that we are centered on what is most important.  Every decision we make is a revelation about what we hold most dear.  God ought to have first place in our lives.  Church, Family, Friends and all those entrusted to us by our vocation and by God are next.  Then come work and leisure pursuits.  Living in a world that has long taught us “looking out for number one,” meaning myself and my own desires and interests, my wants and my preferences, it is hard for us to think differently.

Good Shepherd Sunday reminds us that Jesus is our Shepherd and it is His responsibility to lead us.  We are to follow and hear His voice.  If we listen to Him, we will discover that He has a plan that will lead us all to green pastures.

This weekend, we congratulate our First Holy Communion Class who received Jesus for the first time in the Holy Eucharist on Saturday afternoon.  May they always know the joy of the Gift of Jesus as the Bread of Life.  May their families work diligently to ensure that these children may receive Holy Communion every Sunday and so grow in their love for the Lord Who hides Himself under the forms of bread and wine.

All are invited to make plans for May as a month of Marian Devotion.  Pray the Rosary.  Sign up to welcome the pilgrim statue of Our Lady into your home.  Learn a new Marian prayer.  Create a May altar.  Do something beautiful to acknowledge our Heavenly Mother for her prayer and intercession in your life.

As you make plans for the summer and next year, keep your priorities straight and let God lead you to the life He has in store for you.  We are destined to live forever!

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