Sunday, June 28, 2015

A Word from Your Pastor - June 28

Dear Parishioners:

This weekend we have the traditional Peter’s Pence collection, the world-wide effort by the Church to gather means for the Holy Father to assist with needs throughout the world.  We have all been hearing news about how the words that Pope Francis sends out can lead to a dialogue about important issues.  He has, from the first moment of his election as Pope, been reminding us about our duty to keep the poor in mind.  Our generosity to this weekend’s collection can serve to help the him reach out in our name as Catholics to those in most need.

When the Catholic Church includes collections as part of Mass, the intention is to remind us that our acts of giving are part of the act of worship.  We have received all that we have and are from God.  With grateful hearts, we give back something of what we have received as a sign of our thanks and of our recognition that God calls us to be stewards of the gifts we have received.  What we have received as gifts we are to give as gifts in turn to others.

God cannot be outdone in giving.  An open and generous spirit becomes ever more ready to receive God’s gifts.  A heart that is closed and selfish has no room for what God wants to offer.  Can we learn to become more generous?

The Church is calling us to be more bold in our proclamation of the Gospel in a world that denies God a place in the public sphere.  We are also called to be more conscious of our duty to reach out to others.  What we do as a Faith Community is not about us, but about God and His plans for our world.  We have been commissioned to make disciples, to teach what Jesus has taught us, and to baptize others into Christ.  May we respond joyfully to this mission entrusted to us by God.  And may others come to know Jesus Christ through the life we share.

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