Sunday, November 15, 2015

A Word from Your Pastor - November 15

A Word from Your Pastor

Dear Parishioners:

How are you preparing for the end of the world?  As we come to the close of a Calendar Year, and as the Liturgical Year ends and opens to a new Season, we are invited to contemplate the Latter Days.  The Catholic Church points out the “Four Last Things”: Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell.  Each of us will one day meet our Maker and have to account for our lives on earth.  This is a sobering thought.  Yet it is not morbid.  In the life of Faith, it is an exciting thought.  We discover through Faith that we are destined for something beyond this world.

As our Catholic Faith points out, three Theological Virtues are given to us to assist us on our way to God: Faith, Hope and Love.  Faith gives us the capacity to receive the Truth that has been revealed by God and to respond to His Gift by a return gift of ourselves.  Hope helps us call to mind that God is always there for us and to put our trust in Him as our earthly life reaches its goal.  Love serves to share God’s own Life with us and we are enabled to enter into Eternity because the Love we have experienced goes with us.

In the days and weeks ahead, as we count our blessings and give God thanks for all He has given us, we also turn to one another with hearts full of gratitude for what we share.  Let us cultivate a spirit of welcome so that all may come to share our joy.  I want to be sure to thank you all for everything you are and do for the St. Timothy Community.  May your generosity of spirit be richly rewarded by God.

Jesus tells us that no one knows the day nor the hour when God will manifest Himself.  This is clearly so.  Yet we can live each day in joyful expectation of His Coming and in that way we will always be ready.  Let us be joyful and let our Faith lead us ever more deeply into an awareness of God’s Love for us.

Congratulations to our Second Graders who made their First Reconciliation this weekend and to all their families.  May Forgiveness and Mercy be ever a part of your life in Christ!

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