Thursday, March 1, 2018

A Word from Your Pastor February 25 - Confirmation Sunday

Come, Holy Spirit! 

This weekend, we welcome Bishop Campbell as he imparts the Gift of the Spirit through the Sacrament of Confirmation to be received by our 8th Grade class.  As the Church celebrates the Second Sunday of Lent and hears about the Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor, we pray for an outpouring of the Spirit among us by the ministry of our own apostolic leader.

Peter, James and John see Jesus in a glorified state as Moses and Elijah reveal the connection between Jesus’ Passion and Salvation History.  The People of God in every age are led by the Spirit on a journey of Faith.  The Law and the Prophets foretold the coming of the Messiah as the bearer of the Spirit.  Our journey continues and we seek to keep our eyes fixed on the glory that is promised.  May we open our hearts to the guidance of the Spirit and allow God to reveal His glory in us.

The Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary, also called the Mysteries of Light, which were suggested as an addition to the Rosary by Pope Saint John Paul II, include the Mystery of the Transfiguration as the Mystery of Light par excellence.  Meditation on this Mystery reminds us that God’s glory is shared with our human nature.  When the Apostles see Jesus transfigured, they are given a new understanding of Who He Is and the experience is meant to strengthen them in the ordeal of the Passion.  They do not understand right away, but after the Resurrection, it is the Holy Spirit that helps them to put it all together, and they remember the Transfiguration as a first glimpse of the glory of the Risen Lord and of the high destiny of our human nature.

Let us pay close attention to the promptings of the Spirit in the days and weeks and months ahead on our continuing journey of Lent.  When Easter comes, may we be ready to soar with the Spirit into the New Life God has in store for us in Jesus Christ.

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