Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Word from Your Pastor September 30

Dear Parishioners:

As you know, we are coming to the closing of our Parish Year of Golden Jubilee.  It is time to begin to review what we have accomplished in the course of the year and to look to see what our legacy will be for the future. 

Two parishioners have offered plans for lasting memorials of this year.  One, Steven Steigelman, is doing a time capsule for his Eagle Project.  He is addressing parishioners at this weekend’s Masses.  Another, who wishes to remain anonymous, is asking for support to build a house in Haiti, responding to an invitation given last January by a mission appeal.  Both of these efforts will be material reminders of the spiritual riches we have celebrated during our Jubilee.

Our Eagle Scout Candidate will invite you to share in the project by supporting his fund-raising efforts and offering some suggestions.  He has made presentations to the Parish Council and has the plan for the Time Capsule all mapped out.

Our anonymous Parishioner has this to say: 

Like all of you, I sat in the Church one Sunday morning months ago listening to Fr. Baptiste from Food for the Poor share what life is like in Haiti. Next to me was my little boy. It broke my heart to hear Father talk about how children in Haiti slept on mud floors, or on mattresses that were soaking wet from the rain. He told us that many of them were still living in the temporary make shift tents that had been built as shelter after the hurricanes hit and I thought – wasn’t that a year or two ago? I thought of my child sleeping in a nice dry bed and I just felt convicted to do something about it. I talked to my husband about what I wanted for my birthday and told him I wanted a house in Haiti. He pledged $1,000 to that effort. I am hoping that the St. Timothy community can help us raise the remaining $2,200 to build a house in Haiti in honor of our Jubilee year. We have about 600 families in our parish. If each family gave $4 we could do this. We could make such a huge difference to a family in Haiti. St. Tim’s is such a warm, welcoming, community – and our family has felt very at home here. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate St. Tim’s jubilee year than to share that spirit of family and home with a family in need.”
If you are interested in participating, checks can be made payable to “Food for the Poor” and sent to the attention of Sonia Telusnord, 6401 Lyons Road, Coconut Creek, FL 33073. The tracking code for our jubilee home in Haiti is SC 088429 and that code should go on your check and on the envelope that you mail. We will keep you informed on our progress and thank you for your consideration.”

The treasure of Faith that is ours is meant to inspire us to live in accord with God’s Love through concern with our neighbor, near and far.  How do you and your family respond to this charge?  What is your legacy for future generations?


Celebrating our Golden Jubilee:  Getting to know Saint Timothy’s Community of Faith.

Up to now, we have concentrated our study on the Scriptures associated with Ephesus, since that was the diocese of which our Patron St. Timothy was the first Bishop.  We are now considering another Letter associated with that community, this time from one of the early bishops of the Church named Ignatius of Antioch.

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians, CHAPTER X.--EXHORTATIONS TO PRAYER, HUMILITY, ETC.

And pray ye without ceasing in behalf of other men. For there is in them hope of repentance that they may attain to God. See, then, that they be instructed by your works, if in no other way. Be ye meek in response to their wrath, humble in opposition to their boasting: to their blasphemies return your prayers; in contrast to their error, be ye steadfast in the faith; and for their cruelty, manifest your gentleness. While we take care not to imitate their conduct, let us be found their brethren in all true kindness; and let us seek to be followers of the Lord(who ever more unjustly treated, more destitute, more condemned?), that so no plant of the devil may be found in you, but ye may remain in all holiness and sobriety in Jesus Christ, both with respect to the flesh and spirit.

St. Ignatius calls on the Ephesians to pray for others and to serve as a witness to the practice of Faith.  When the world offers rejection, ridicule and persecution, a humble response allows the power of Faith to shine forth.  Patient endurance and a firm decision not to be drawn into the currents of the passing world keep us on the way of holiness.  In this way, we are true followers of the Lord.

A note from the Knights of Columbus, Council #14345

The Knights of Columbus would like to thank all parishioners that joined in the letter writing campaigning against the HHS mandate. In total, 935 letters were delivered to Pres. Obama, Sen. Brown, Sen. Portman, Rep. Tiberi, and Rep. Stivers.

The struggle for religious freedom, once thought won by the founders of our nation, must continue to be fought. We appreciate your answer to the call for action and encourage you to remain vigilant in this effort.

October 21st Movie Night!

October 21st at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria, the Knights of Columbus, with the generous donation of licensure by the Lutter Family, invite all members of the parish to a viewing of For Greater Glory, a movie depicting the persecution of Catholics resulting in the Cristero War in Mexico. Starring Andy Garcia and Eva Longoria Parker, the story has a particular relevance to current events here in the US.

There is a suggested donation of a canned good from each attendee to support the food pantry at St. James the Less, which will be collected by St. Timothy Pack 324 Boy Scouts. Refreshments will be available for purchase and will be provided by the St. Tim’s ladies group. The movie is rated R for war violence. While we encourage all to attend, we also would like to responsibly note that the movie may not be suitable for younger members of your family who may not have been exposed to such scenes. We look forward to hosting a full house of theatre-goers on the 21st!

This Week in Our History:     September 30-October 7

1972:   Attention Women:  We want to introduce you to BIRTHRIGHT.  It is a “pregnancy phone-in center” to help young girls and women distressed by an unwanted or problem pregnancy.  A pro-life group, Birthright offers these women an alternative to abortion….Referral information includes names of doctors, lawyers, clergymen sympathetic to Birthright, as well as facts about various community agencies.  Volunteers include housewives, teachers, nurses;  any woman who volunteers and is willing to participate in a training session and monthly train-ins.  Cases are confidential and the services are open to any woman regardless of race, color or creed, or financial need.  There is no charge for Birthright services.  The organization is funded by private donations and is interdenominational….For information or a volunteer form call Fran Bender or Edna Whitacre.

1975:   Fr. John Cody is being transferred to St. Agatha Parish, and Fr. Thomas Kessler will be taking his place here at St. Timothy, effective Wednesday.

  Fr. Cody has served St. Timothy Parish for two and a half years.  His vibrant faith, his ability at preaching God’s Word, his gift for reconciliation, his devotion, particularly to our youth, have marked his time at St. Timothy as one of very special blessing on this community.

  Many are the people who have benefited from Fr. Cody’s ministry, beginning with myself, Fr. Kraus, and extending far beyond this parish.  To him we express our deep gratitude and a pledge of continued friendship till we are all one again in the Kingdom.

1978:  We need more people to sing with our adult choir, or we will have to rename it the Saint timothy Choral Sextet.  We need YOU—even if you don’t sing like Caruso or Callas.  Rehearsals are in Church at 8:00 p.m. each Wednesday.   God will reward you for the sacrifice of your time.

1979:  This week we will be honored here in America by a pastoral visit by our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II.  Bishop Herrmann has written that all of us should prepare for this visit by prayerful reflection on what the Pope says is the purpose of his visit:  “To proclaim the uplifting and healing message of God’s word.”

  Let us all pray that the Pope’s visit will be safe and successful, in that many people will accept or return to that healing message of God’s word.  May his visit also remind us that each one of us is called to proclaim that same message in our words and by the way we live.

1982:  Parish Council.  The following is a complete list of the members.  Pastor, Father James Hanley, Chairman, Tony Kanakkanatt; Secretary, Fran Howard; Area reps, Larry Tornes, Jean Brugger, Teresa Hogan, Mary Beth Beneke, Chuck Henry, Nick DeSantis, John Gerlach, Mary Finn, Patty Carroll; Men’s Club, Ron Hanninen; Women’s Club, Mary Jo Leonard; Bd. of Ed., Mark O’Flynn; Bd. of Finance, Ed Blaire; Parish Youth, Beth McMichael and Kent Gardner; Maintenance Comm., Ralph Swain; Vicariate, Mary Ann Marchese; Pastoral Council, Lea Guarasci

1984:   This week’s featured group is the Home and School Association, which does much of the traditional work PTA groups do.  Last year the association raised about two thousand dollars, mostly through the annual candle sale and the pine bark mulch sale.  With these funds, they were able to buy some needed class materials, provide a luncheon for the school volunteers, and provide refreshments for various school functions and for meetings of parents and teachers. Many thanks to the group and to their past and present officers.

1986:  Parents of First Grade students September, 1987….There seems to be a bumper crop and we need to do some planning to serve everyone’s needs.  We’re asking you to call the school office and register now.

1987:   Are you in the mood?  That crisp autumn air should remind you that the Second Annual Weiner Roast and Sing-Along is coming up on Oct. 18, 4:30 p.m.  This year will be a big celebration of our 25TH ANNIVERSARY with lots of extras including a German band and a visit from our Bishop.  You won’t want to miss it, and be sure to invite former parishioners you know.

-           4:30 Hot dogs, beer, pop provided.  Bring a side dish, lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the music of an Oompah Band.

-           6:00 Bishop Griffin joins us for a prayer service in church.

-           6:30 Desserts, marshmallow roast, coffee, hot chocolate, campfire singing.  Wear warm clothes for the evening.

Events indoors if we are blessed with rain.

1988:   Daily Mass participants are urged to note that there is no Mass here on the 11th, 12th, and 13th of October. The bishop has requested that the priests of the diocese meet to discuss the future role of priests in the Church in America.  Please pray for all the priests of the diocese during these important conferences.

1989:   Catholic Cable Network, a broadcasting effort by Sister Mary Angelica, is attempting to get space on cable systems in our area.  If you would like cable companies to carry this network of Catholic religious programs, mail the form below to Sister or drop it in the collection basket or the colorful box in the vestibule.

Parish Council News…..The Council asked area representatives to do some random questioning of parishioners on the question:  “Should the parish council examine expanding or improving our facilities for recreation, physical education, and parish and school functions?”  The council instructed that a new map be placed in the hallway so that persons not called randomly might be able to contact their area representative with their views.

If you are crowded at the ten then you may wish to come to the 12:00 Mass instead.  There is no problem getting a seat, and this will leave you with plenty of time to get to Mass on time.

1991:    Congratulations to Earl and Bernadine Patton on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary.

1992:   News from the Kitchen.  Margie Brembeck and her staff would like to thank the Men’s Club, Women’s Club and the parish.  Through their generous donations, we were able to purchase a new stove and oven for the cafeteria.

1994:   Respect Life Sunday.  Today, October 2, is Respect Life Sunday.  Though we observe it on one particular day, in today’s world it must be a sign that we make a year-round effort in prayer, pastoral service, advocacy of the right-to-life and quality of life for all and public education in this area.  The 1994 theme, ”The Family…The Sanctuary of Life,” offers the opportunity to coordinate Respect Life efforts with the celebration of the International Year of the Family.  It is an appropriate time to underscore the role of the family as a sanctuary of a lived understanding of the sanctity of human life.

1997:   Congratulations to Anna Haney and Howard (Tipp) Withrow who will be married on October 11.

1999:   Welcome to the Parish:  Vito/Cheri Fraganato, Anthony/Nancy Mangini, Jim Krupp/Ann Kemble, David/Jill Skulich, Tom/Karen Callaghan, Jim/Lisa Cloud, Robert/Robin Koerner, Tom/Cami Parker, Richard/Catherine Wolf, Michael/Susan Chappelear, Preston/Jennifer Popewiny, Richard Bess, John/Velma Nadalin, Chalmer/Margaret Hixson, Veronica Kundla, Tom/Heather McCauley, David Mockensturn, Martin Brady, Ron/Patricia Irsik, Dean/ Kathryn Melchi, John /Margaret Wanchick, Charles/Carol Wheatley, Phil/Laura Lampe

2001:   Please remember in your prayers Albert Santho who died this past week.  May he rest in peace.

2005:   Remember in your prayers Marie Baudo who died this past week.  May she rest in peace.

2008:   St. Timothy’s was spared in the hurricane winds we had on Sept. 14.  We lost some trees, but the power stayed on in the midst of a darkened neighborhood.

Rest in Peace.  Natalie Cannon, 71, a longtime active parishioner at St. Tim’s, went to her eternal reward on Sept. 14.  She is survived by her husband Jack, and daughters Lisa Hayes and Cheryl Susi.  May she rest in eternal peace and happiness with God.

Welcome, Newcomers.    Alimo, John/Mary; Anderson, Jerrod/Mary; Flinders, Nelson/Diane; Gibbs, Marie; Lamb, James /MaryLynne; Lingnell, Josh/Helen; Muzilla, Catherine; Wagner, Rebecca; Chappelear, Michael/Susan; Fisher, Ryan/Theresa

Baptisms.   Alexander Joseph DeVictor; Noal Thomas Lingnell

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Word from Your Pastor September 23

Dear Parishioners:

Beginning October 11, 2012,  the Church Universal will enter into a “Year of Faith,” called for by Pope Benedict in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council.  This year is an opportunity for us to deepen our Faith and to grow in our understanding of what it means to be a person of Faith in the world today.  We are all called to share in the New Evangelization.  This call is personal.  You are invited to act as individuals, families and members of small circles of Faith, to live the Faith we share more intentionally.

How can we do this?  The Scripture highlighted for the year of Faith comes from the Acts of the Apostles: "…They called the church together and reported what God had done with them and how he had opened the door of faith...." (Acts 14:27)  This suggests that the way to  celebrate the Year of Faith is to find a way to share what God has done in us and especially how we have come to Faith personally.

The priests of the Northwest Columbus Deanery discussed the Year of Faith and one consensus was that it means that we need to concentrate on doing what we are already doing well.  We have many opportunities to express our Faith and to grow in Faith together that are already in place.  We need to draw in more of the members of our parishes to take advantage of what is available.  We also need to reach out to those who are not with us on a regular basis.

Do you have some ideas about how to observe the Year of Faith?  I invite families and groups in our parish to take this Year to heart.  Let us believe more firmly and let us grow in Faith as we proclaim the Truth of the Gospel by our lives.

Celebrating our Golden Jubilee:  Getting to know Saint Timothy’s Community of Faith.
Up to now, we have concentrated our study on the Scriptures associated with Ephesus, since that was the diocese of which our Patron St. Timothy was the first Bishop.  We are now considering another Letter associated with that community, this time from one of the early bishops of the Church named Ignatius of Antioch.

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians, CHAPTER IX.--YE HAVE GIVEN NO HEED TO FALSE TEACHERS.

Nevertheless, I have heard of some who have passed on from this to you, having false doctrine, whom ye did not suffer to sow among you, but stopped your ears, that ye might not receive those things which were sown by them, as being stones of the temple of the Father, prepared for the building of God the Father, and drawn up on high by the instrument of Jesus Christ, which is the cross, making use of the Holy Spirit as a rope, while your faith was the means by which you ascended, and your love the way which led up to God. Ye, therefore, as well as all your fellow-travelers, are God-bearers, temple-bearers, Christ-bearers, bearers of holiness, adorned in all respects with the commandments of Jesus Christ, in whom also I exult that I have been thought worthy, by means of this Epistle, to converse and rejoice with you, because with respect to your Christian life ye love nothing but God only.

False teachers are those who persuade us that what is true might be false.  Listening to false teachers means that we take what they tell us as an excuse to do what we want, or, at times, to be manipulated into doing what they want.  In the end, it is a matter of answering in a practical way the question: whose servant will I be.  When we embrace and live the truth, we are God’s good servants.  “Stopping our ears” to false teachers means to listen to the truth and not to be coerced into rejecting it.  Living in accord with truth allows us to put God first.

Ignatius builds on the image of the Church as God’s Temple, being built up through Faith in Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit.  He also highlights that as part of this Temple, the Ephesians share the Gospel with others, their “fellow-travelers.”  He wants to be in communication with them because they can encourage him on his road to martyrdom.  When we live by truth, we too become witnesses to the Gospel and others are able to hear the call to live the truth with us.

This Week in Our History:  September 23-30

1963:   Friday of this week is the First Friday of the month.  Mass is at 7:00 and 11:00 am.  Confessions for the children will be heard on Thursday. Confessions Thursday evening from 7:30 to 9:00.  Any family with a sick member who is unable to attend Mass should notify the Rectory so that Communion may be brought to them on First Fridays.

1964:    The Bishop asks the Diocese to join in a day of prayer today for the success of the Ecumenical Council.  Ask the Holy Spirit to direct the important work of the Council today and in the daily prayer for the Council.

1965:   The construction of the Rectory is being done by William Drake of the parish.  Completion will be sometime in the new year.

1966:   The first meeting of the Parish Board was held last Sunday evening.  John Dodd was elected the chairman, Joseph Quigley, secretary.

Note of interest:  Total enrollment in St. Timothy’s School:  344 students. CCD instruction:  257 students in Grades 1 through 6; 58 in Grades 7 and 8; 48 in Grades 9 through 12.

1967:   Banns of Matrimony: first time between James Cowardin of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish, Newport News, Va., and Mary Elizabeth Buckley of St. Timothy.  First time between Stephen Mollica of St. Timothy and Sherri Winget of St. Cecilia, Houston, Texas.

1968:   Banns of Matrimony:  For the first time between Michael Sullivan of St. Timothy and Candace Weigel of St. Mary’s, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

1972:   Banns of Matrimony:  For the first time between Michael Hilty of St. Timothy and Christine Fallon of St. Andrew.

1974:   Marlene Anderson, a beloved parishioner, mother of two children in our school and a former teacher in St. Timothy, died this past week and was buried in Steubenville.  Please remember her and her family in your prayers.

1978:   Our Decorating Fund now amounts to $7197.00.  After our Debt Reduction Campaign the Bishop, hopefully, will give permission to use this money to paint the Church (about $6,500); put new carpet in the Sanctuary (and remodel it); move the choir to the rear of the Church; buy new robes for the choir; and put new lights in the Church.

1979:  We welcome these newly registered members of our parish:  Mrs. Michael Bruger, Pauline and Nicholas DePascale, M/M Ted Prociv, M/M John Zimmer, M/M Stephen Daly, M/M Richard Haney, M/M Michael Ridnour, M/M Alex Massie, M/M Michael Winslow, Helen Mosbacher, M/M Greg Wetzel, M/M Michael Brown, Mrs. Robert Dolin, M/M Ronald Hanninen, M/M John Helms, M/M James Moser, M/M Mark O’Flynn, M/M Edward Pirik, Mrs. Harry Wasson, M/M Albert Carnevale

We congratulate the parents of the following children who were baptized over the last few months: Andrew Tyler, son of M/M Richard Yoder; Kelly Rachel, daughter of M/M John Flory; Jeffrey David, son of M/M David Warner; Alicia Marie, daughter of M/M John Zimmer; Andrea Suzanne, daughter of M/M Gus DiNovo, Jr.; Andrew John, son of M/M Salvatore DiNovo; Ryan David, son of M/M Stephen Daly; Benton Matthew, son of M/M Charles Maslyk; Julie Patrice, daughter of M/M Donald Grey; Rachel Lynn, daughter M/M Curtis Wheeler;  Michelle Diane, daughter M/M Richard Ross; Stephen David, son of M/M Lawrence Zimmer; Stephen Reese, son of M/M John Gerlach; Matthew Craig, son of M/M James Lampert; Brian Dunn, son of M/M John Sena; Michael Philip, son of Dr/M Paul Dusseau

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson who are celebrating Fifty Years of Marriage.  God bless you, Art and Sarah!

1980:   Church Windows.  We have just completed replacing thirty (30) pieces of glass in the stained glass windows, which had been broken by vandals over the past two years.  The cost was $787.00.  Please do not allow your children to bring pellet guns onto the Church grounds.

1983:  To All Members of St. Timothy Parish
Many thanks for this wonderful summer I have shared with you!  Keep on growing as the community of love you are meant to be.  My love and prayers are with you.

      In Christ,   Tim Hayes
      Address:  North American College
                      00120 Vatican City State, Europe

1987:   On Saturday, October 3, at 2:30 Robert Gardner, Jr. of St. Timothy will marry Lorie Hesser.  At 6:30 p.m. Matthew Caserta of St. Timothy will marry Melinda Seciliot.  Both weddings will take place in St. Timothy.

At all Masses next weekend we will be invited to fill out a little “Spiritual Bouquet” card.  This simply is a way to pledge our prayers and sacrifices for the ongoing spiritual renewal of our parish as it celebrates its 25th year.

If you are reading this bulletin during Mass, please don’t leave it in the pew.  Please take it home for reference, or return it to the vestibule.  Thanks for helping to keep the pews in church neat for the next person.

Twenty-five years age in this bulletin, the CYC (the old name for Youth Group) was planning a skating party at Smith Skating Rink.  Some apartment buildings replaced the rink about 15 years ago.
High school students are invited to a Sunday October 4th gathering at 7:00 in the evening.  Join in a prayer service led by Father Thomas; a discussion of future events such as hayrides, etc; and refreshments; hot dogs around a campfire if it isn’t raining – pizza if it rains.  (The pizza will not be cooked over the campfire as it tends to slide off the coathangers.)

1990:   We wish to welcome Father John Brezovec of the Pontifical College Josephinum, who will be celebrating weekend Masses with us this year.

1992:   Ann Shary of St. Timothy will marry Darius Talebi on October 3rd.

1993:   Welcome!  Welcome!  Welcome!  Today we welcome Fr. William Arnold to residence in our parish rectory.  Fr. Arnold is Asst. Principal and a professor at St. Charles Preparatory School. He will continue in those responsibilities in priestly service.  He is a native of Newark, Ohio and was ordained to the priesthood in 1980 following completion of studies at the Canisianum, Innsbruck, Austria.  We know all in the parish will welcome him and come to love him and appreciate his priestly ministry.

1997:   Please remember in your prayers, Judy Besst, who died and was buried this week.

2009:    Thanks to all who participated in the Blue Mass.  We thank the knights of Columbus Council 14345 and all who participated in our first Blue Mass on Friday, September 11.  We are especially grateful to the first responders who are members of our parish who were there to welcome their coworkers.

  Our choir is also worthy of high praise for their part in the Blue Mass.  Under the direction of Dr. Griffin, they helped create a celebration that did us all proud.  Job well done!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Word from Your Pastor September 16

Dear Parishioners:

This week our Second Graders have begun to learn something that may be useful for all of us to recall:  when we come into the church and other sacred places, we are standing on holy ground.   The children are learning a little song to remind them:  “This is holy ground.  We’re standing on holy ground.  Our God is present, and so this ground is holy.”  At the same time, they are learning to have an attitude of silence as an expression of reverence in the Presence of the Lord.  Silence is hard to come by in our era.  And yet, our little ones are able to learn about it and to practice it.  Can we learn from them?

Silence offers us an opportunity to listen more deeply to the Truth.  The noise of the world is pervasive and without any real sense of order.  Silence allows us to discover the voice of God speaking to our hearts, letting us know the way things really are.  In Silence, we can hear God’s call to us to belong to Him.  Through Silence in the Presence of our God, we become the Holy People chosen to teach others the way of the Lord.  God’s Word, spoken in us, can only be heard in Silence.
Paradoxically, once we have entered into Silence, we will always find that the Lord calls us to speak aloud what we have heard.  “Go into the whole world, teach all nations…..” (Matthew 28:19)  Actions speak louder than words.  When we live what we have heard in Silence, the world takes note.
Hearing news of wars, terrorist attacks, and persecution at home and abroad, we can feel powerless.  Nonetheless, we must engage.  First, we must pray.  Here is the call to Silence.  Then, we must teach by word and example.  Here is the Call to proclaim the Kingdom of God.

Last weekend, the Knights of Columbus began a grass-roots campaign to remind our public representatives of their responsibility to defend our freedom to practice our Faith.  I invite you to respond with your own voice.  Let our civil representatives and leaders know that you cherish the freedoms won for us by those who pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.

Celebrating our Golden Jubilee:  Getting to know Saint Timothy’s Community of Faith.

Up to now, we have concentrated our study on the Scriptures associated with Ephesus, since that was the diocese of which our Patron St. Timothy was the first Bishop.  We are now considering another Letter associated with that community, this time from one of the early bishops of the Church named Ignatius of Antioch.

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians, CHAPTER VIII.--RENEWED PRAISE OF THE EPHESIANS.

Let not then any one deceive you, as indeed ye are not deceived, inasmuch as ye are wholly devoted to God. For since there is no strife raging among you which might distress you, ye are certainly living in accordance with God's will. I am far inferior to you, and require to be sanctified by your Church of Ephesus, so renowned throughout the world. They that are carnal cannot do those things which are spiritual, nor they that are spiritual the things which are carnal; even as faith cannot do the works of unbelief, nor unbelief the works of faith. But even those things which ye do according to the flesh are spiritual; for ye do all things in Jesus Christ.

Ignatius reminds the Church of Ephesus of their power for good.  By responding to the call to be holy, they influence the whole world with their witness.  Great Saints lived among them, and so they are known throughout the world.  Ignatius himself, on his way to martyrdom, is encouraged by the report he has hear about them.  Holiness—belonging to God—leads to a way of life that is evident.  “Spirit and flesh” are brought to a unity in Jesus Christ and the lives of those who follow Him continue the witness in such a way that the whole world is lifted up.

Knights of Columbus Letter Campaign in Defense of Liberty

Religious liberty is indeed the first liberty and our most cherished freedom. If we are not free in our conscience and our practice of religion, all other freedoms are fragile. If our obligations and duties to God are impeded, or even worse, contradicted by the government, then we can no longer claim to be a land of the free. In our Bill of Rights, the First Amendment allows for the free exercise of religion. Unfortunately, the Department of Health and Human Services is now forcing health care professionals and religious institutions into actions that violate their moral teaching and religious beliefs.

After all Masses this weekend (Saturday, September 15th and Sunday, September 16th) the Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring a letter writing campaign to our government representatives - HHS, Congress and the President – requesting they stand up for religious liberty and support legislation affirming the First Amendment. There will be letters available for you to sign and personalize at tables in the cafeteria. We ask all parishioners to join in this letter writing campaign with the Knights of Columbus as we seek legislation to protect rights of conscience and to rescind the HHS mandate.

This Week in Our History: September 16-23

1964:   Date to remember—Sunday, Oct. 4—First Pizza Sale sponsored by the Home and School Association.

1969:   Football game today—St. Timothy’s plays St. Philip’s at 1 pm today.  Take the East freeway to Hamilton Rd. exit.  Go north on Hamilton to Livingston and turn left.  Go about three blocks to Elaine Rd. and turn left.  We would like the parents of the players to support the team.

1971:   The choir had an excellent first rehearsal Thursday with its splendid new Director, Brother Peter McClernon.  We can use more members, and if former members are not coming back, may we please have the music back?

1972:   Festival notes:  Just a reminder to the ladies to wear bright and gay apparel and the men their Hawaiian shirts in keeping with the theme of the parish festival.  Be sure to invite your friends and neighbors so we can have a grand turnout.

Banns of Matrimony are announced for the first time between Nicholas DeSantis and Michelle Fares, both of St. Timothy Parish.

1973:   We regretfully announce the death and burial of Dolores Boulware, a most faithful parishioner.  We ask your prayers for her and her family.

1976:   Are you thinking of getting married????  Parishes of this vicariate have established rules as to who may witness the marriage.  Please call the pastor before contacting anyone else.

Have you been in the priest’s pala…(oops!) rectory lately?    If you have you’ve noticed that some maintenance is needed.   Since we haven’t much money to spend, we’re looking for your input and/or bids on the several needs.  Needed:  some new carpeting; draperies; someone to upholster some furniture, etc.

1979:   Congratulations to Robert Olsen, Scout Troop 169, who will be presented the Eagle Award at a Court of Honor on September 17 at Cranbrook School.

Today we observe Catechetical Sunday….following are the teachers working in the CCD program:  Kindergarten and 1st Grade--Mrs. Sue Dodd; 2nd Grade--Carla Guarasci; 3rd and 4th Grade--Mrs. Sara Gavinski; 5th and 6th Grade--Joe McLaughlin; 7th and 8th Grade-- Mrs. Elaine James and Mrs. Bill Hartnett; High School--Ralph Guarasci and Greg Paniccia

Lights.  Our thanks to Paul Bubenchik for the new spotlights on the porch entrance.  They’re nifty!

1983:   On Saturday, September 24, Mary Cusick of St. Timothy will marry Douglas Dougherty in St. Timothy Church.

1984:   Sympathy and Prayers—Jack Bender, James E. Staley, and John A. Burk, members of St. Timothy who were buried this past week.

This week’s featured group…is our core of Bingo volunteers.  No listing would really describe all that they help accomplish for the parish.  So, instead, this bulletin includes a summary of last year’s financial reporting…As you will readily see, the volunteers made possible the parking lot, the new cafeteria tables, and still raised $120,000 of the total parish income of $538,000.

1992:    Ice Cream Social…As an “Official” welcome party for Father Hanley, there will be an ice cream social at St. Timothy’s on Sunday afternoon September 20th at 3:00 pm.  All are invited, of course, and we hope to have a good turnout.  So many people will have an opportunity in a more casual setting to “Meet the Pastor” or catch up on “old times”.  In case of rain we will move to the cafeteria.

1996:  Happy Birthday, Fr. Andy Nugent, on your 81st birthday, September 23.

2003:   Congratulations to Steve and Irene Sova, who will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary Saturday, September 27th at the 5:00 pm Mass.

2004:   Rest in Peace.  Our sympathy to the family of Paul Saelzler (former Director of Religious Education at St. Timothy), who died this past week.  May he rest in peace.

2008:   A Word from Your Pastor
  Who would ever have thought that Columbus and Ohio would be hit so hard by a hurricane?  “Ike” has closed down much of the city for several days now….Events like this invite us all to realize that we are so dependent on others for our everyday well being.  Perhaps it is a wake-up call to take stock in our situation before something even more difficult befalls us.  It is also a reminder to make sure that we reach out to those around us.  Who is on your list of folks to call just to make sure they are all right?  Who has your name and number to call when they are in need?  How connected are you to those around you?   Who is your neighbor?

2009:   Remember in your prayers Marie Wolf who died.  Our sympathy to her family and may she rest in peace.

2010:   Congratulations to Anish and Juliet Varghese, who were married in India this August.  We welcome Juliet into the parish as she joins her new husband, who has been a member with his family.  Blessings to the newlyweds!

2011:   A Word from Your Pastor
  …This past week, we saw a gathering of St. Timothy women for a potluck.  As an honorary (dues-paying) member, I was able to stop in as things were wrapping up.  It was clear that everyone had a good time.  Although for several years now we have not had an active “Women’s Club” as such, it is clear that all the members are very active and involved.  We owe a debt of gratitude to the women of St. Timothy Parish who keep us in business and who make sure that all that used to happen under the umbrella of the Women’s Club still happens.  I am sure that the Holy Spirit will tap on someone’s shoulder to take up the task of leadership when the time is right.  In the meantime, we thank those who led in the past and we invite those who are feeling the Spirit’s tug to step forward.  Remember, it was a woman who got us all started by her Yes to God when the angel asked her to be the mother of the Messiah.

Golden Jubilee - The date has been set for the dinner celebration for the Golden Jubilee of St. Timothy Parish.  Mark your calendar for November 26, 2011 after the 5:00 pm Mass.

Please remember in your prayers, Bill Clifford, who died this past week.  May he rest in peace.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Word from Your Pastor September 9

Dear Parishioners:

We congratulate the Knights of Columbus, Council 14345, on their organization of the Blue Mass celebrated this past Friday.  It was an honor to have Bishop Campbell among us for the third time this Liturgical Year during our Golden Jubilee.  (As you will recall, Bishop Campbell was with us for the opening of the Jubilee Year in November 2011, at the same time as we began the new English translation of the Mass.  He returned to confirm our 8th Grade class in February 2012.)  We were also delighted to have so many participate in the Mass and the reception that followed.  Thanks to all who had any part in the proceedings!

Once again, we thank the Knights of Columbus for their efforts to defend our liberty with the letter-writing campaign that they are overseeing this weekend.  Mr. Thomas Winters is addressing the parish at each Mass to offer some reflections about the nature of our concern.  His insights will assist all of us to deepen our understanding of what is at stake and call us to respond.

Four key points need to be considered:  First, all of us need to be informed about this issue and the role of government in our lives.  Not to attend to this is to open the way to losing the precious liberties that are the hallmark of our society.  Second, we need to exercise our right and responsibility to vote.  Third, we need to continue to follow the situation and to learn what is happening at the local and national levels to address our concerns.  Finally, we need to keep in touch with our government officials to ensure that they are working to uphold the Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights.  Freedom is not won easily; sadly, it can easily be lost.  Write, send an e-mail, or call your representatives to keep the matter before their attention.

The Catholic Church teaches that the Laity have a distinct responsibility to bring Christ to the secular world.  Proclaiming the Gospel is not merely a matter of words.  It includes action, taking a stance that upholds the values that flow from the Gospel.  Our country was founded by men and women who pledged their “lives, fortunes and sacred honor” to the just cause of Independence.  We have the duty to do the same and to maintain freedom for our own children.

The Diocesan Office of Social Concerns has a web link that can help you on your way:

Celebrating our Golden Jubilee:  Getting to know Saint Timothy’s Community of Faith.
Up to now, we have concentrated our study on the Scriptures associated with Ephesus, since that was the diocese of which our Patron St. Timothy was the first Bishop.  We are now considering another Letter associated with that community, this time from one of the early bishops of the Church named Ignatius of Antioch.

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians, CHAPTER VII.--BEWARE OF FALSE TEACHERS.

For some are in the habit of carrying about the name of Jesus Christ in wicked guile, while yet they practice things unworthy of God, whom ye must flee as ye would wild beasts. For they are ravening dogs, who bite secretly, against whom ye must be on your guard, inasmuch as they are men who can scarcely be cured. There is one Physician who is possessed both of flesh and spirit; both made and not made; God existing in flesh; true life in death; both of Mary and of God; first possible and then impossible, even Jesus Christ our Lord.

In every age, false teachers are present.  The Ephesians are warned to avoid those who deny the truths of Faith.  The central Truth is the Incarnation and the Salvation won for us by Jesus, Who is our Physician.  The dual nature of Christ is emphasized to the first generations of Christianity: Jesus Christ is flesh and spirit, made and not made, God incarnate, the risen from the dead, human and divine.   In the world today, there are many who claim to be followers of Jesus who deny these truths.  The world cannot fathom them.  We still delight in them and pledge to live by them.  We must still seek to avoid false teachers and to abide in Truth.

This Week in Our History:  September 9-16

1963:    Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of this week are the Fall Ember Days.  They are days of partial fasting for those so obliged and are days of partial abstinence for all.  That is, meat may be taken only once on Wednesday and Saturday and that at the principal meal of the day.
Children who cross the railroad tracks at Thomas Lane may continue to do so.  All difficulties have been straightened out.

1964:   School began this week with 329 students. All is going well and we ask for your continued help and cooperation.

1965:   The Fourth Session of the Vatican Council opens on Tuesday.  Both the Holy Father and Bishop Carberry have emphasized the need for prayer for the Council throughout the entire session.  The Bishop has asked that Tuesday be observed as a day of prayer throughout the Diocese for the Council.  Here in the parish we will observe the day of prayer by:  High Mass for the Council at 8:30 am.  Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will follow Mass and continue until 2:45 pm when Benediction will be held.  Please make an effort to attend Mass or to visit the Blessed Sacrament sometime during the period of exposition.

The leveling and seeding of the ball field area has been undertaken as a project by the Men’s Club.  The sodding done on the north side of the building was the work of the CYC.

1966:   During this past week I have asked fifteen men to serve on a Finance Board for the parish.  The Board will do the financial planning, direct the raising and expenditure of parish funds.  Parish election will determine membership in the future.  This follows the expressed wish of the Vatican Council that laymen assume greater responsibility in the direction of the parish, particularly in those areas where they are competent by training or experience.
The banns of marriage are announced for the first time between Daniel DeSantis and Diana Morone, both of this parish.

1968:   Father Raymond Lavelle is living at St. Timothy’s while he attends Ohio State University.

1971:   Because of a weak response, the Men’s Club Golf Outing had to be cancelled. (!!!)

1975:   This Sunday (Sept. 14), in Rome, Mother Elizabeth Seton is to be canonized a saint.   She is the first native born American citizen to be so honored.  Wife, Mother, convert, foundress of the Sisters of Charity, she is not only a marvelous example of a great person, but a symbol for all the causes most dear to American Catholics:  reverence for womanhood, for family life, for Catholic education, for dedication and perseverance.  At all the Masses today, we celebrate for the first time a special Mass in her honor.

1977:    The Parish Council has moved that from now on there will be no motor bikes allowed on the Church-School property.

1978:   Banns of Matrimony are announced between Mark Bubenchik of St. Timothy and Kristi Mullins.

1979:   We have 265 students in the parish school this year.  Faculty:  Principal, Mrs. Marg Mooney; grade one, Mrs. Lois Stock; grade two, Mrs. Madeline Blaire; grade three, Mrs. Mary Lou Kistner; grade four, Mrs. Agnes Reed; grade five, Mr. Pat Mooney; grade six, Mrs. Barbara McConagha; grade seven, Mrs. Mary VanCamp; grade eight, Mrs. Sue Gardiner; Physical Education, Mrs. Darlene Wall; Librarian, Mrs. Kathy Spicer.

  The cafeteria will again be run by Mrs. Ann Bubenchik, assisted by Mrs. Sally Boylen and Mrs. Mary Olsen.

1982:  …recently registered in our parish:  Allen/Jane Brehl, Joseph/Mary Briski, John/Sharyl Flory, James/Victoria Foley, Susan Johnson, Paul/Janice Layton, George/Teresa Lewandowski, Lawrence/Connie Little, John/Susan Meyer, Michael/Delores McGroarty, Robert Ubbing, Fred/Judy Wagner, Judy Zimmerman

1983:   Community Sunday – Farewell.  Be sure to stop in the cafeteria after Mass next weekend.  Enjoy some refreshments, meet some parishioners, say goodbye to Tim Hayes, and be introduced to the Adult Education program.

1988:   Come say hello to Father Connolly who has come to live here at St. Timothy.  Father will…be in the cafeteria after all the Masses next Sunday.

1995:    Day of Prayer.   Bishop Griffin has asked that this Sunday, September 10, be observed a s a day of prayer for the Church and the people of Burundi, Africa.  In Burundi, a predominantly Catholic country, 100,000 people have been killed and 650,000 people have been displaced from their homes.  The country is torn asunder by ethnic violence, fear, division, and armed conflict.   Pray for the people of this poor nation and write to our president, your senators and representatives to encourage an arms embargo for Burundi.

2002:   This Sunday, at the 10:00 am Mass, we will dedicate the statue of St. Timothy, an original work of art from Carrara, Italy.  It has been generously donated by Nelly Salimbene and the Salimbene Family, who are charter members of St. Timothy Parish.  This gift is in memory of Rocco Salimbene, who passed away in August, 1998.  The statue was designed and installed under the supervision of Carmine Menduni, Columbus Art Memorial.

  St. Timothy was a fellow apostle with Paul, preaching the Gospel and suffering for it by opposition and imprisonment.  He had a Greek father and a Jewish mother.  Being the product of a “mixed” marriage, he was considered illegitimate by the Jews.  Timothy was a convert of Paul’s around the year 47.  He was with Paul at the founding of the church in Corinth.  He was with Paul in Rome during his house arrest.  References seem to indicate that he was not only young but also timid.
Let us make the right choices:  to pray, act and unite against the bitter fruits of division, hatred and violence.  Let us rededicate ourselves to global peace, human dignity, and the eradication of injustice that breeds rage and vengeance. (First anniversary of 9/11 attacks.)

2007:   Congratulations to Joe and Margie Brembeck who celebrate their 50th anniversary next Sunday.

  Congratulations to Marie DeSantis and Robert Raynes, who will be married on Saturday.

2009:    We welcome Hobart Hatfield and Phil Hall as our newest members of the Catholic Church.  They were received into Full Communion, made their Profession of Faith and received Confirmation and Holy Communion at the School Mass on Wednesday, Sept. 9.

2011:   A Word from Your Pastor
  The tenth Anniversary of “9-11” is a significant moment.…Unfortunately, it seems, we have found our way back to a “normal” that did not hold on to some of the promise of those early days after “9-11”.  God is being removed from public discourse…we have a responsibility not to let this happen among us.  Today of all days, pray for our Nation and our World.
Please remember in your prayers Mike McGroarty who passed away.  Our prayers and sympathy are with his family in this time of sorrow.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Word from Your Pastor September 2

Dear Parishioners:
This Sunday marks the 50th Anniversary of Groundbreaking for the home in which we live as a Parish and School.  Many of the generation that set us on our way are still among us and can tell stories of watching the church and the school before the upgrades beginning to rise.  Some tell how they were involved in such key events in many parishes in this part of Columbus.  We express our gratitude to them and to all who have come before us for giving us a place to call our own.
And now, we have to begin to ask, what will future generations have to say about the foundations we lay?  The new parish center, library, and middle school classrooms are certainly among our more recent achievements.  The new floor for our gym adds a quality of class and permanence to the space we use for so many parish and school events.  Our grounds are looking wonderful with the new Rosary Prayer Garden, dedicated at the opening of our Jubilee Year, is a permanent marker of this special time in our history.  What more will serve to plant seeds of growth for those who will come after?
The last few weeks and months of our Parish Jubilee ought to include some reflection and prayer concerning our life as a Parish.  Now that we have looked back to where we have come from, what have we discovered about who we are and who we are called to be as a parish family?  How do we need to be renewed in our commitments and what new adventures await us?
Pope Benedict XVI has called for a Year of Faith on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, to begin in October.  We will live the Year of Faith with the Church Universal, and then St. Timothy School will enter into its time of Jubilee 2013-2014.
We wish a Happy Labor Day to all workers, and we remember in our prayers those who are without employment.  After our rest on Labor Day, let’s get back to work on all that is entrusted to us to be and do!
Celebrating our Golden Jubilee:  Getting to know Saint Timothy’s Community of Faith.
Up to now, we have concentrated our study on the Scriptures associated with Ephesus, since that was the diocese of which our Patron St. Timothy was the first Bishop.  We are now considering another Letter associated with that community, this time from one of the early bishops of the Church named Ignatius of Antioch.
Now the more any one sees the bishop keeping silence, the more ought he to revere him. For we ought to receive every one whom the Master of the house sends to be over His household, as we would do Him that sent him. It is manifest, therefore, that we should look upon the bishop even as we would upon the Lord Himself. And indeed Onesimus himself greatly commends your good order in God, that ye all live according to the truth, and that no sect has any dwelling-place among you. Nor, indeed, do ye hearken to any one rather than to Jesus Christ speaking in truth.
Ignatius reminds the Ephesians that their true Bishop is Christ Himself.  The current bishop, Onesimus, is one of a noble line of leaders put in charge of the community of Ephesus.  We know that the Apostle John and the Apostle Paul were there in the days of the church’s early growth.  Our Patron Timothy was the first Bishop.  Each successor to the Apostles has the same charge to safeguard the Christian Community in the name of Christ.  Members of the community must cooperate with the shepherd to whom they have been entrusted.  When a bishop “keeps silence,” that is, shows forbearance, the community ought to be one with him, putting trust in the bishop’s judgment for the good order of the People of God.

This Week in Our History:  September 2-9 Parish History

September 2, 1962 Groundbreaking for the Parish School and “Temporary Church”
1962:   September 5 Columbus Dispatch.  Father Augustine Winkler, pastor, turns the first shovelful at the ground breaking for the new St. Timothy school.  Priests assisting him (at the ceremony) were Father Arnold Favret, pastor of Our Lady of Victory parish; Father William Connor, chaplain of the Juvenile Diagnostic Center; and Father George Kennedy, pastor of St. Agatha parish.  The building will contain eight classrooms, and will serve as a temporary church and parish center.
1963:   Beginning tomorrow morning, the daily Mass will be at 8:00 A.M.   This will give the children who come early on the bus an opportunity to attend Mass.  At the moment we are unable to schedule an earlier Mass each morning.   Friday morning (school) Mass is at 11:00 A. M.  Parents should encourage their children to receive Holy Communion at this Mass.
1964:   Registration for the November elections closes on September 23rd.  You are reminded of your civic responsibilities in the matter of voting.
1965:   Preliminary plans are in progress for the construction of a Parish Rectory.  A group of parish men who are in the construction business are helping to formulate plans.
Newly baptized:  Chris John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Alexander; Jennifer Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Noble; Denise Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Susi.
1966:    We are forced to announce an increase in school cafeteria prices due to a rise in food prices and a cutback in government subsidies in the luncheon program.  Luncheon price will be $0.30 and milk without lunch will be $0.03.  We still think it is a bargain but regret the necessity of the increase.
1977:   Plans are underway to reactivate the St. Vincent DePaul Society at St. Timothy.  Charitable works of this organization are known throughout the world and it is especially espoused by Bishop Herrmann.  For those interested…please call Bob DuMont.  This is open to husbands/wives, widows/widowers, young and old.
1981:   Please note that the daily Mass in the parish will now be celebrated every day, Monday through Friday, at 9:00 a.m.  The change in time will enable the classes in the parish school to participate in the Mass more frequently.  Those who attend daily Mass voted in favor of this change during the summer months.  (And it has ever been thus.)
   (As) the parish school begins a new year…we invite you to take a tour of the school ….following Mass today…the men of the parish have almost completed the platform play-area in the rear of the school.  The new roof will be put on within the next few weeks, and the back play-area will then be resurfaced with blacktop.  We’re grateful to many who volunteered service in planning and executing many of these projects.
1984:    This week’s featured group is the Men’s Club.  The club funds all parish sport teams, including our adult softball program….our Boy Scout Troop and the annual mother/daughter breakfast.  Occasionally, it pays for property improvements, e.g. the fencing around the ball field.
  Their hard work, and your patronage of their activities, makes all this possible.  Their biggest source of income lies in their pizza sales; they (also raise funds through) their spaghetti dinner and dance, their golf outing, and their booth at the Italian Festival.  Finally, the parish council voted them a grant of $2,500 this past year in lieu of the club charging local parish fees to sports participants.
Goodbye Father Virginia—Be sure to stop in to say goodbye to Father Virginia next weekend after the Masses.  He is leaving for assignment as a Chaplain in the U.S. Army.
2000:   From Peg Gercke, Religious Education Director
Dear Friends and Parishioners,
    Due to a recurrence of cancer and treatment for it (which I have once a week), I’ve had to go on long-term disability.  With me, I take more wonderful memories than I could begin to tell you.  They involve moments that you’ve treasured and that in the preparation and celebration I came to treasure with you.  How do I say ‘thank you’ for all the warmth, support and enthusiastic cooperation that always seemed to be waiting around every St. Timothy corner.  What rewarding work I’ve enjoyed doing with and for you over the years.  I shall miss the ’heart’ of it each day.  I will pray for the whole parish family and each of the families that are the unique building blocks of the whole.   In return, I ask a remembrance in your prayers, too.
  God love and bless you.
2001:   The impossible:  what nobody can do until somebody does it.
2007:   From the Pastor’s Desk
  As you may remember, under the direction of the Diocesan Development Office, the parish has been preparing for a capital campaign to retire our $1.5 million debt…the campaign will get underway this Wednesday with the first of several “receptions”.  During these receptions, members of the Campaign Committee will explain how the campaign will work and will distribute campaign materials.  Please plan to participate in one of these receptions, if your doing so is at all possible.  (Early pledges and contributions have given us) a very good beginning.  If everyone participates, we shall surely reach our goal.

    Again, you may recall that (we) petitioned the Catholic Foundation for a grant to replace our aging boiler.  (We received a grant and work will commence soon.)
2009:   A Word from Your Pastor

Dear Parishioners,
  This week the Knights of Columbus of St. Timothy Parish will be hosting a wonderful event, our first Blue Mass, honoring those who serve as ‘first responders’ to crisis situations.  Those who wear the blue uniform and put themselves in harm’s way in service of the wider society are deserving of our respect and thanks.

  The idea of the “Blue Mass” takes its cue from the “Red Mass” that is celebrated to honor those in the legal professions.  Our local Knights of Columbus positively received the suggestion then contacted the various professional organizations who took to it immediately…we are honored to host it.  I offer the K of C Council 14345 special thanks for taking up the challenge.
2011:   Please remember in your prayers, Kevin Gibbs, Ann Seelbach, and (founding member) Ruth DuMont who died this past week.  May they rest in peace.