Dear Parishioners:
This Sunday marks the 50th Anniversary of Groundbreaking for the home in which we live as a Parish and School. Many of the generation that set us on our way are still among us and can tell stories of watching the church and the school before the upgrades beginning to rise. Some tell how they were involved in such key events in many parishes in this part of Columbus. We express our gratitude to them and to all who have come before us for giving us a place to call our own.
And now, we have to begin to ask, what will future generations have to say about the foundations we lay? The new parish center, library, and middle school classrooms are certainly among our more recent achievements. The new floor for our gym adds a quality of class and permanence to the space we use for so many parish and school events. Our grounds are looking wonderful with the new Rosary Prayer Garden, dedicated at the opening of our Jubilee Year, is a permanent marker of this special time in our history. What more will serve to plant seeds of growth for those who will come after?
The last few weeks and months of our Parish Jubilee ought to include some reflection and prayer concerning our life as a Parish. Now that we have looked back to where we have come from, what have we discovered about who we are and who we are called to be as a parish family? How do we need to be renewed in our commitments and what new adventures await us?
Pope Benedict XVI has called for a Year of Faith on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, to begin in October. We will live the Year of Faith with the Church Universal, and then St. Timothy School will enter into its time of Jubilee 2013-2014.
We wish a Happy Labor Day to all workers, and we remember in our prayers those who are without employment. After our rest on Labor Day, let’s get back to work on all that is entrusted to us to be and do!
Celebrating our Golden Jubilee: Getting to know Saint Timothy’s Community of Faith.
Up to now, we have concentrated our study on the Scriptures associated with Ephesus, since that was the diocese of which our Patron St. Timothy was the first Bishop. We are now considering another Letter associated with that community, this time from one of the early bishops of the Church named Ignatius of Antioch.
Now the more any one sees the bishop keeping silence, the more ought he to revere him. For we ought to receive every one whom the Master of the house sends to be over His household, as we would do Him that sent him. It is manifest, therefore, that we should look upon the bishop even as we would upon the Lord Himself. And indeed Onesimus himself greatly commends your good order in God, that ye all live according to the truth, and that no sect has any dwelling-place among you. Nor, indeed, do ye hearken to any one rather than to Jesus Christ speaking in truth.
Ignatius reminds the Ephesians that their true Bishop is Christ Himself. The current bishop, Onesimus, is one of a noble line of leaders put in charge of the community of Ephesus. We know that the Apostle John and the Apostle Paul were there in the days of the church’s early growth. Our Patron Timothy was the first Bishop. Each successor to the Apostles has the same charge to safeguard the Christian Community in the name of Christ. Members of the community must cooperate with the shepherd to whom they have been entrusted. When a bishop “keeps silence,” that is, shows forbearance, the community ought to be one with him, putting trust in the bishop’s judgment for the good order of the People of God.
This Week in Our History: September 2-9 Parish History
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September 2, 1962 Groundbreaking for the Parish School and “Temporary Church” |
1962: September 5 Columbus Dispatch. Father Augustine Winkler, pastor, turns the first shovelful at the ground breaking for the new St. Timothy school. Priests assisting him (at the ceremony) were Father Arnold Favret, pastor of Our Lady of Victory parish; Father William Connor, chaplain of the Juvenile Diagnostic Center; and Father George Kennedy, pastor of St. Agatha parish. The building will contain eight classrooms, and will serve as a temporary church and parish center.
1963: Beginning tomorrow morning, the daily Mass will be at 8:00 A.M. This will give the children who come early on the bus an opportunity to attend Mass. At the moment we are unable to schedule an earlier Mass each morning. Friday morning (school) Mass is at 11:00 A. M. Parents should encourage their children to receive Holy Communion at this Mass.
1964: Registration for the November elections closes on September 23rd. You are reminded of your civic responsibilities in the matter of voting.
1965: Preliminary plans are in progress for the construction of a Parish Rectory. A group of parish men who are in the construction business are helping to formulate plans.
Newly baptized: Chris John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Alexander; Jennifer Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Noble; Denise Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Susi.
1966: We are forced to announce an increase in school cafeteria prices due to a rise in food prices and a cutback in government subsidies in the luncheon program. Luncheon price will be $0.30 and milk without lunch will be $0.03. We still think it is a bargain but regret the necessity of the increase.
1977: Plans are underway to reactivate the St. Vincent DePaul Society at St. Timothy. Charitable works of this organization are known throughout the world and it is especially espoused by Bishop Herrmann. For those interested…please call Bob DuMont. This is open to husbands/wives, widows/widowers, young and old.
1981: Please note that the daily Mass in the parish will now be celebrated every day, Monday through Friday, at 9:00 a.m. The change in time will enable the classes in the parish school to participate in the Mass more frequently. Those who attend daily Mass voted in favor of this change during the summer months. (And it has ever been thus.)
(As) the parish school begins a new year…we invite you to take a tour of the school ….following Mass today…the men of the parish have almost completed the platform play-area in the rear of the school. The new roof will be put on within the next few weeks, and the back play-area will then be resurfaced with blacktop. We’re grateful to many who volunteered service in planning and executing many of these projects.
1984: This week’s featured group is the Men’s Club. The club funds all parish sport teams, including our adult softball program….our Boy Scout Troop and the annual mother/daughter breakfast. Occasionally, it pays for property improvements, e.g. the fencing around the ball field.
Their hard work, and your patronage of their activities, makes all this possible. Their biggest source of income lies in their pizza sales; they (also raise funds through) their spaghetti dinner and dance, their golf outing, and their booth at the Italian Festival. Finally, the parish council voted them a grant of $2,500 this past year in lieu of the club charging local parish fees to sports participants.
Goodbye Father Virginia—Be sure to stop in to say goodbye to Father Virginia next weekend after the Masses. He is leaving for assignment as a Chaplain in the U.S. Army.
2000: From Peg Gercke, Religious Education Director
Dear Friends and Parishioners,Due to a recurrence of cancer and treatment for it (which I have once a week), I’ve had to go on long-term disability. With me, I take more wonderful memories than I could begin to tell you. They involve moments that you’ve treasured and that in the preparation and celebration I came to treasure with you. How do I say ‘thank you’ for all the warmth, support and enthusiastic cooperation that always seemed to be waiting around every St. Timothy corner. What rewarding work I’ve enjoyed doing with and for you over the years. I shall miss the ’heart’ of it each day. I will pray for the whole parish family and each of the families that are the unique building blocks of the whole. In return, I ask a remembrance in your prayers, too.
God love and bless you.
2001: The impossible: what nobody can do until somebody does it.
2007: From the Pastor’s Desk
As you may remember, under the direction of the Diocesan Development Office, the parish has been preparing for a capital campaign to retire our $1.5 million debt…the campaign will get underway this Wednesday with the first of several “receptions”. During these receptions, members of the Campaign Committee will explain how the campaign will work and will distribute campaign materials. Please plan to participate in one of these receptions, if your doing so is at all possible. (Early pledges and contributions have given us) a very good beginning. If everyone participates, we shall surely reach our goal.
2009: A Word from Your Pastor
This week the Knights of Columbus of St. Timothy Parish will be hosting a wonderful event, our first Blue Mass, honoring those who serve as ‘first responders’ to crisis situations. Those who wear the blue uniform and put themselves in harm’s way in service of the wider society are deserving of our respect and thanks.
2011: Please remember in your prayers, Kevin Gibbs, Ann Seelbach, and (founding member) Ruth DuMont who died this past week. May they rest in peace.
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