Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Word from Your Pastor September 23

Dear Parishioners:

Beginning October 11, 2012,  the Church Universal will enter into a “Year of Faith,” called for by Pope Benedict in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council.  This year is an opportunity for us to deepen our Faith and to grow in our understanding of what it means to be a person of Faith in the world today.  We are all called to share in the New Evangelization.  This call is personal.  You are invited to act as individuals, families and members of small circles of Faith, to live the Faith we share more intentionally.

How can we do this?  The Scripture highlighted for the year of Faith comes from the Acts of the Apostles: "…They called the church together and reported what God had done with them and how he had opened the door of faith...." (Acts 14:27)  This suggests that the way to  celebrate the Year of Faith is to find a way to share what God has done in us and especially how we have come to Faith personally.

The priests of the Northwest Columbus Deanery discussed the Year of Faith and one consensus was that it means that we need to concentrate on doing what we are already doing well.  We have many opportunities to express our Faith and to grow in Faith together that are already in place.  We need to draw in more of the members of our parishes to take advantage of what is available.  We also need to reach out to those who are not with us on a regular basis.

Do you have some ideas about how to observe the Year of Faith?  I invite families and groups in our parish to take this Year to heart.  Let us believe more firmly and let us grow in Faith as we proclaim the Truth of the Gospel by our lives.

Celebrating our Golden Jubilee:  Getting to know Saint Timothy’s Community of Faith.
Up to now, we have concentrated our study on the Scriptures associated with Ephesus, since that was the diocese of which our Patron St. Timothy was the first Bishop.  We are now considering another Letter associated with that community, this time from one of the early bishops of the Church named Ignatius of Antioch.

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians, CHAPTER IX.--YE HAVE GIVEN NO HEED TO FALSE TEACHERS.

Nevertheless, I have heard of some who have passed on from this to you, having false doctrine, whom ye did not suffer to sow among you, but stopped your ears, that ye might not receive those things which were sown by them, as being stones of the temple of the Father, prepared for the building of God the Father, and drawn up on high by the instrument of Jesus Christ, which is the cross, making use of the Holy Spirit as a rope, while your faith was the means by which you ascended, and your love the way which led up to God. Ye, therefore, as well as all your fellow-travelers, are God-bearers, temple-bearers, Christ-bearers, bearers of holiness, adorned in all respects with the commandments of Jesus Christ, in whom also I exult that I have been thought worthy, by means of this Epistle, to converse and rejoice with you, because with respect to your Christian life ye love nothing but God only.

False teachers are those who persuade us that what is true might be false.  Listening to false teachers means that we take what they tell us as an excuse to do what we want, or, at times, to be manipulated into doing what they want.  In the end, it is a matter of answering in a practical way the question: whose servant will I be.  When we embrace and live the truth, we are God’s good servants.  “Stopping our ears” to false teachers means to listen to the truth and not to be coerced into rejecting it.  Living in accord with truth allows us to put God first.

Ignatius builds on the image of the Church as God’s Temple, being built up through Faith in Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit.  He also highlights that as part of this Temple, the Ephesians share the Gospel with others, their “fellow-travelers.”  He wants to be in communication with them because they can encourage him on his road to martyrdom.  When we live by truth, we too become witnesses to the Gospel and others are able to hear the call to live the truth with us.

This Week in Our History:  September 23-30

1963:   Friday of this week is the First Friday of the month.  Mass is at 7:00 and 11:00 am.  Confessions for the children will be heard on Thursday. Confessions Thursday evening from 7:30 to 9:00.  Any family with a sick member who is unable to attend Mass should notify the Rectory so that Communion may be brought to them on First Fridays.

1964:    The Bishop asks the Diocese to join in a day of prayer today for the success of the Ecumenical Council.  Ask the Holy Spirit to direct the important work of the Council today and in the daily prayer for the Council.

1965:   The construction of the Rectory is being done by William Drake of the parish.  Completion will be sometime in the new year.

1966:   The first meeting of the Parish Board was held last Sunday evening.  John Dodd was elected the chairman, Joseph Quigley, secretary.

Note of interest:  Total enrollment in St. Timothy’s School:  344 students. CCD instruction:  257 students in Grades 1 through 6; 58 in Grades 7 and 8; 48 in Grades 9 through 12.

1967:   Banns of Matrimony: first time between James Cowardin of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish, Newport News, Va., and Mary Elizabeth Buckley of St. Timothy.  First time between Stephen Mollica of St. Timothy and Sherri Winget of St. Cecilia, Houston, Texas.

1968:   Banns of Matrimony:  For the first time between Michael Sullivan of St. Timothy and Candace Weigel of St. Mary’s, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

1972:   Banns of Matrimony:  For the first time between Michael Hilty of St. Timothy and Christine Fallon of St. Andrew.

1974:   Marlene Anderson, a beloved parishioner, mother of two children in our school and a former teacher in St. Timothy, died this past week and was buried in Steubenville.  Please remember her and her family in your prayers.

1978:   Our Decorating Fund now amounts to $7197.00.  After our Debt Reduction Campaign the Bishop, hopefully, will give permission to use this money to paint the Church (about $6,500); put new carpet in the Sanctuary (and remodel it); move the choir to the rear of the Church; buy new robes for the choir; and put new lights in the Church.

1979:  We welcome these newly registered members of our parish:  Mrs. Michael Bruger, Pauline and Nicholas DePascale, M/M Ted Prociv, M/M John Zimmer, M/M Stephen Daly, M/M Richard Haney, M/M Michael Ridnour, M/M Alex Massie, M/M Michael Winslow, Helen Mosbacher, M/M Greg Wetzel, M/M Michael Brown, Mrs. Robert Dolin, M/M Ronald Hanninen, M/M John Helms, M/M James Moser, M/M Mark O’Flynn, M/M Edward Pirik, Mrs. Harry Wasson, M/M Albert Carnevale

We congratulate the parents of the following children who were baptized over the last few months: Andrew Tyler, son of M/M Richard Yoder; Kelly Rachel, daughter of M/M John Flory; Jeffrey David, son of M/M David Warner; Alicia Marie, daughter of M/M John Zimmer; Andrea Suzanne, daughter of M/M Gus DiNovo, Jr.; Andrew John, son of M/M Salvatore DiNovo; Ryan David, son of M/M Stephen Daly; Benton Matthew, son of M/M Charles Maslyk; Julie Patrice, daughter of M/M Donald Grey; Rachel Lynn, daughter M/M Curtis Wheeler;  Michelle Diane, daughter M/M Richard Ross; Stephen David, son of M/M Lawrence Zimmer; Stephen Reese, son of M/M John Gerlach; Matthew Craig, son of M/M James Lampert; Brian Dunn, son of M/M John Sena; Michael Philip, son of Dr/M Paul Dusseau

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson who are celebrating Fifty Years of Marriage.  God bless you, Art and Sarah!

1980:   Church Windows.  We have just completed replacing thirty (30) pieces of glass in the stained glass windows, which had been broken by vandals over the past two years.  The cost was $787.00.  Please do not allow your children to bring pellet guns onto the Church grounds.

1983:  To All Members of St. Timothy Parish
Many thanks for this wonderful summer I have shared with you!  Keep on growing as the community of love you are meant to be.  My love and prayers are with you.

      In Christ,   Tim Hayes
      Address:  North American College
                      00120 Vatican City State, Europe

1987:   On Saturday, October 3, at 2:30 Robert Gardner, Jr. of St. Timothy will marry Lorie Hesser.  At 6:30 p.m. Matthew Caserta of St. Timothy will marry Melinda Seciliot.  Both weddings will take place in St. Timothy.

At all Masses next weekend we will be invited to fill out a little “Spiritual Bouquet” card.  This simply is a way to pledge our prayers and sacrifices for the ongoing spiritual renewal of our parish as it celebrates its 25th year.

If you are reading this bulletin during Mass, please don’t leave it in the pew.  Please take it home for reference, or return it to the vestibule.  Thanks for helping to keep the pews in church neat for the next person.

Twenty-five years age in this bulletin, the CYC (the old name for Youth Group) was planning a skating party at Smith Skating Rink.  Some apartment buildings replaced the rink about 15 years ago.
High school students are invited to a Sunday October 4th gathering at 7:00 in the evening.  Join in a prayer service led by Father Thomas; a discussion of future events such as hayrides, etc; and refreshments; hot dogs around a campfire if it isn’t raining – pizza if it rains.  (The pizza will not be cooked over the campfire as it tends to slide off the coathangers.)

1990:   We wish to welcome Father John Brezovec of the Pontifical College Josephinum, who will be celebrating weekend Masses with us this year.

1992:   Ann Shary of St. Timothy will marry Darius Talebi on October 3rd.

1993:   Welcome!  Welcome!  Welcome!  Today we welcome Fr. William Arnold to residence in our parish rectory.  Fr. Arnold is Asst. Principal and a professor at St. Charles Preparatory School. He will continue in those responsibilities in priestly service.  He is a native of Newark, Ohio and was ordained to the priesthood in 1980 following completion of studies at the Canisianum, Innsbruck, Austria.  We know all in the parish will welcome him and come to love him and appreciate his priestly ministry.

1997:   Please remember in your prayers, Judy Besst, who died and was buried this week.

2009:    Thanks to all who participated in the Blue Mass.  We thank the knights of Columbus Council 14345 and all who participated in our first Blue Mass on Friday, September 11.  We are especially grateful to the first responders who are members of our parish who were there to welcome their coworkers.

  Our choir is also worthy of high praise for their part in the Blue Mass.  Under the direction of Dr. Griffin, they helped create a celebration that did us all proud.  Job well done!

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