Sunday, January 11, 2015

A Word from Your Pastor - January 11 Baptism of the Lord

Dear Parishioners:

For the last time today, we can say “Merry Christmas!” as our Liturgical celebration of the Season of Christmas comes to its close.  Ordinary Time begins tomorrow.  Lent is coming and will arrive Ash Wednesday, February 18.

Christmas is a time of generosity.  I want to thank you all for the generous spirit you have shown in so many ways during this time.  All who welcomed our guests and made them feel at home showed the best of St. Timothy.  Gifts of time and talent were evident in all the Masses of Christmas as well as the other events that have taken place during this time.  Now that the New Year has begun, we invite everyone to renew a commitment to live in accord with our Parish Mission.

United in the Body of Christ, we strive to promote the greater glory of God
through a spirit of welcome and willing service to our brothers and sisters

In addition to gifts of time and talent, we have also received many gifts of treasure as well.  I am very pleased to report that the generosity of a few parishioners has served to cover the deficit we reported for our Parish in the Fiscal Year 2013-2014.  We reported that we were in deficit about $35,000.00.  Special gifts designated to cover that deficit have been made directly to the Parish and we are most grateful!

The challenge remains, of course, not to fall into a deficit for the current fiscal year (2014-2015).  Once we manage to catch up, we want to make sure that we don’t fall into the same hole!  As suggested, a raise in donation of $2.00 per contributing family would manage this challenge if we can keep spending in the same range as last year.  New contributions by families who have not been regularly participating in Stewardship would also be helpful.

In the course of this year, we plan to continue our project of developing a catechetical center that will benefit everyone in the community directly in the task of growing in understanding of our Faith.  We are also reviewing the needs of the parish and school that have been highlighted in the past several months and will discern which ones we can hope to address in the near future.

Plans to welcome Pope Francis to our country and to respond to the Church’s call to the New Evangelization are at the top of the agenda we will cover this year.  How are you entering into the New Year?

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