Saturday, January 24, 2015

A Word from Your Pastor - January 25

Dear Parishioners:

The celebration of our Parish Patronal Feast on Monday, January 26, takes on a new meaning for me after my pilgrimage last year to the final resting place of St. Timothy, the Disciple of St. Paul.  As you may recall, just before the Canonization of Saints John XXIII and John Paul II, our pilgrim group spent time at Termoli, a small town on the Adriatic coast of Italy.  The Cathedral there is dedicated to the Presentation of the Child Jesus and has the earthly remains of two saints: Saint Basso, a martyr, and Saint Timothy, the Disciple of St. Paul the Apostle.  On several occasions during our time there, I went to pray personally at the tomb of Timothy, often early in the morning before we went out on our day’s adventures.  It felt right just to be there.  You were with me in a special way.  I even gave out holy cards of our statue of St. Timothy from our Golden Jubilee to some of the local folks who were there praying or cleaning the church and I asked them to pray for us.

The realization of Saint Timothy as our patron and my personal patron has grown in my time here at Saint Timothy Church.  So also has my understanding of the importance of Evangelization and Catechesis in the life of a parish continued to deepen.  We are not living up to our responsibility as disciples of the Lord if we are not putting these tasks at the center.  We are not following the example of our Heavenly Patron if we do not move these activities to the core of all we do.  We are not just a group that happens to be together; we are a community of disciples entrusted with a responsibility.

This year is declared by Pope Francis as the Year of Consecrated Life.   We are also observing it as a time of preparation for the Visit of Pope Francis to the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia.  In the context of this year, I entrust to you and all who are part of St. Timothy Parish and School this prayer:  “That the families of St. Timothy Church may deepen their response to the call of the Good Shepherd and grow in practice of the Catholic Faith in the Parish and in their Homes.”  We will focus our common efforts this year on Prayer as families, Catechesis of all our members, and Sharing the Gospel in practical ways by the witness of our family life.

I urge, invite, implore, ask, plead, beg, beseech and pray all of you to follow where the Good Shepherd leads us.  This is a heartfelt plea that comes to you from the depths of my spirit.  I am dedicating all I am to this responsibility and we need to be of one mind and heart.  Open your heart to me and to St. Timothy Church, and to all who are part of your life in a new way.  Like Timothy, our Patron, be willing to go into places and ways unfamiliar to you.  Can you hear me?  The Good Shepherd is showing us in dramatic ways that He has something new in store for us that will take us to greener pastures.  He is also asking for a new commitment from each of us as individuals, as families and as a parish family.  Please pray:  “That the families of St. Timothy Church may deepen their response to the call of the Good Shepherd and grow in practice of the Catholic Faith in the Parish and in their Homes.” 

Pilgrimage to Turin and other Sacred Sites in the Year of the Shroud

A meeting will be held on Sunday, January 25th, following the noon Mass at St. Timothy Church, to share news about a Pilgrimage with Fr. Timothy Hayes, Pastor, to holy sites in Portugal, Spain, France and Italy, May 4th-15th, 2015. Included will be Fatima, Lourdes, Avignon, and many historic places in the lives of St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross & St. Ignatius of Loyola. A visit to the Cathedral of Turin that houses the Holy Shroud, on display in 2015 for a rare public viewing, will climax this spiritual journey. Cost, $3539.00 includes r/t air from Columbus, lodging, transportation by deluxe motor coach, taxes & most meals.

For further information call Judy Lorms of Mary’s Pilgrims at 670-8626,
or email  You may also visit online for the Itinerary at  and the Application at 

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