Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Word from Your Pastor - May 22 Most Holy Trinity

Dear Parishioners:

The Holy Trinity is the heart of our Catholic Faith.  We are invited to experience something of the Inner Life of God through contemplation of this Mystery.  In human relationships, the most precious truths are those that are shared spontaneously from the heart.  The same is true in our Relationship with God.  We are drawn into the very Mystery by a glance, a look with the eyes of the heart.  Our spirits, touched by the Living Spirit of God, are made one with Jesus Christ and we are given a glimpse of the Father, Abba, Whom Jesus reveals to us.  If we can simply accept this, it truly changes everything.  We don’t just know things about God, we know God.  This knowing is too deep for words, but the “naming” of the Mystery is a precious “capturing” of the Truth so that we may be drawn in.

The proper response to the Mystery is prayer:  Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit…..

Abba, Father, we thank you for making Yourself known to us in Jesus Christ and through the power of Your Holy Spirit poured out into our hearts and lives.

Jesus, Lord, Savior, Redeemer, we praise You for living among us as our Brother and Friend and for the salvation You won for us through your Passion, Death and Resurrection and for taking our human nature into the very Reality of God in the Ascension.

Spirit, Breath of Life, Unity of the Father and the Son, Sanctifier, we open our hearts to You and seek to follow where You lead, as you draw us ever more into Jesus Christ and free us to worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth.

Father, Jesus, Spirit, we adore You.  We lay our lives before You.  How we love You!

May we become ever more truly One with God through the Mystery of the Holy Trinity.  And may our lives be spent in sharing this wonderful Truth with the world.

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