Sunday, May 29, 2016

A Word from Your Pastor - May 29 Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ

Dear Parishioners:

This weekend is a full weekend of celebration of the Gift of priestly ordination and the Sacrament of Holy Orders.  Locally, we join Fr. Bill Faustner in remembering his 40 years of being a priest.  On Saturday morning, three new priests were ordained for the Diocese of Columbus, beginning their own journey in a life of priestly service: Fr. Dan Swartz of St. Agatha Parish, whose grandparents Leo and Estelle Paquette are members of St. Timothy Church; Fr. Tim Lynch of St. Mary Church in German Village; and Fr. Stephen Smith of St. Brendan the Navigator in Hilliard.

We give God thanks that these individuals and so many others have responded to the call to share their lives with us.  We rejoice at God’s grace and power that has sustained them through the time of seminary formation.  We look forward to the years ahead as their lives as shepherds unfold in the Diocese of Columbus.  Let us continue to keep them and all those who serve God’s People in our prayers.  Let us also invite our younger members to open their own hearts to hear the Lord’s call in their lives.

This weekend, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, also known as Corpus Christi.  We acknowledge the Gift of the Eucharist, the Bread of Life and the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Chalice of Eternal Salvation.  We realize that Eucharist makes the Church and that without priests among us, we have no Eucharist.  The Sacramental Life we share, which is opened to us through Baptism, is the answer to the world’s needs.

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