Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Word from Your Pastor - December 22

Dear Parishioners:

The Fourth Sunday of Advent tells us that Christmas is right around the corner. 

Christmas tells us that Jesus, Who is Emmanuel, God-with-us, is born for us.  We celebrate the gift of the Incarnation, that is, the reality of the Word-made-flesh, God’s entering fully into our world as one of us in the Person of Jesus Christ.  This Mystery changes how we see our life in this world.

Often, Christians are accused on not looking at this world as important.  Because we turn our thoughts to Eternity, it is thought that we do not concern ourselves with the world around us.  If Christmas is understood properly, however, it becomes quite clear that the exact opposite is true.  God so loved the world, that He sent His Only Son to be our Savior.”  (John 3:16)  If God so loves us as to be concerned with our lives on the earth even to the point of living out a human life among us, then our Faith calls us to attend to the realities of this world as well.  God’s Love, lived among us, leads to a deeper involvement in the world.

All human beings are made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26).  Jesus Christ is the perfect human being.  Christians are called to live in this world in order make Christ present to all.  As we enter into the events of Christmas, the family traditions and the cultural activities that shape our experience of the season, may we open our hearts to the simple truth that we share this life with God and that He promises to draw us into something even greater in the next.

Let us be a community of welcome to all who join us in the Masses of Christmas.  May we become ever more truly a sign to the world that Christ is born for us all.

To all who will be away from our parish family: be sure that you are in our prayers at all the Masses of Christmas.

Focolare Word of Life for December 2013: May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all (1 Thes. 3:12).


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