Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Word from Your Pastor - December 8

Dear Parishioners:

God has given us many gifts.  The greatest gift is His Presence among us in the Person of Jesus Christ.  If we but knew this Gift of God and Who He IS, all else would make sense.  As it is, we only get a glimpse.  Through our cooperation with Grace, we get an inkling of what He offers, and we are invited to make a personal response.

God is God.  He could overpower us.  But He wills our freedom.  And He seeks our love in response to His Love.  The essence of the Christmas Message is that God has come to live among us, and that He has empowered us to live in His Love.  All the actions of charity, all the exchange of presents, all of the celebrations with food and fellowship that we experience together are a reminder that Love moves creation.

This weekend, we experience the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick as part of our weekend Masses.  Each Sacrament imparts a special grace.  This Sacrament plunges the reality of human weakness and illness into the Mystery of Christ, offering us a taste of Mercy as healing and strength.

Notice the simple details of the Sacrament.  There is prayer for the Sick and those who care for them.  There is a laying on of hands, a touch that calls to mind the Presence and action of the Holy Spirit.  There is an anointing with the Oil of the Sick, on the forehead and palms of each person who comes forward.  There is silence and unity of mind and heart among those receiving the Sacrament and the whole body of believers assembled to pray with them and for them.  Together, in the context of the Proclamation of the Word and the Celebration of the Eucharist, we know the Presence of Jesus the Healer.  God’s Mercy flows among us and we are to carry it out into the world in need of healing.

Monday will be the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception – our Nation’s Patronal Feast.  Although due to its transfer from Sunday it is not an obligation day this year, all are invited to participate in the Mass of the Solemnity in order to pray for our country and to honor our Blessed Mother for the gift God made present in her – redeemed humanity and a vessel of Grace.

Make plans now for your participation in our Parish Penance Service Tuesday, December 17, at 7:00 p.m.  Give Christ His place in your heart this Christmas by attending Mass on Christmas Eve at 5 p.m., 7 p.m. or 10 p.m., and then again on Christmas Day at 8 a.m. or 10 a.m.  Note that you are able to receive Holy Communion twice if you attend a second Mass.  There are four distinct Masses of Christmas: the Vigil, Mass at Night (traditionally called the “Midnight Mass”), Mass at Dawn and Mass at Day.

In the meantime, live Advent – waiting patiently and longingly for the Messiah.

Focolare Word of Life for December 2013:
May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all (1 Thes. 3:12).

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