Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Word from Your Pastor - July 13

Dear Parishioners:

Thanks to all who are part of the St. Timothy Festival on the Green – Joe Lorenz and his team of captains, the Moms and Dads and Children of Parish and School who make it all happen, and all our guests.  You help to make it great!

What do you enjoy most about the St. Timothy Festival?  It is a time of fellowship and fun, a real builder of community.  Stories are told by every generation of our community.  When our alumni of School and Parish return to visit, this is something they remember with delight.  Since I have been present for seven festivals now, I have watched the interactions that happen and seen the power of such an event to forge bonds that are lasting.

We have such a wonderful sense of family at St. Timothy that we may be tempted to forget that there are many – even some among us – who do not experience a sense of welcome.  We may also forget that when God gives gifts, He expects a return on His investment.  How are we responding to the call to share what we have received?

As the Summer moves ahead, it is time to make plans for the Fall and for the next several years.  I want to suggest three areas of concentration: Prayer and Worship, Catechesis and Study, and Evangelization and Mission.  How we grow in these areas will decide our future.  If we allow ourselves to be moved by our own whims and by the cultural trends around us, we will lose ground quickly.  If we make a choice to commit to God and one another to grow in the active practice of our Faith and in our cooperation with the breath of God’s Spirit, we will become a true witness to Jesus Christ and His plan for the world.

Once you have had your fill of Festival pizza and fun and of the zeal of the St. Timothy community that accomplishes this task each year, you are invited to renew your decision to be a true disciple of the Lord.  Let zeal for God’s House consume you!

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