Sunday, July 6, 2014

A Word from Your Pastor - July 6

Dear Parishioners:

As we enter into a new month, we also enter into a time of transition from my first six-year term as your Pastor to my second six-year term.  I remember well arriving at the parish which was in the midst of preparations for the Festival on the Green for 2008.  So, this will by my 7th Festival at St. Timothy Church.  How quickly the years have passed!

We have completed a time of special celebration of our Parish and School’s Golden Jubilee.   During that time, we have renewed our awareness of our history and expressed our gratitude to those among us who helped to build the foundations of our community.  Now we need to look toward the future and to make plans now for what we hope to accomplish in the years ahead.

As Pastor, I have come to know the parish and I have experienced the welcome that is certainly a hallmark of St. Timothy.  I have also seen some of the challenges that we have to face.  In the next six years, I will strive to lead you in the direction that I believe the Lord is calling us.  Time will tell if my instincts are correct, but your choice to walk with me will be the “sign” that we are on the right path.  I am certain that the Lord will supply Manna and Living Water, and that the Spirit is with us.  But we have to move now!

Recently, I attended a talk by Matthew Kelly, whose books many have read.  He points out that there are four key signs of Dynamic Catholics: Prayer, Study of the Faith, Generosity and Evangelization.  How do you score yourself in these four areas?  Where do you need to grow?

In the weeks and months ahead, I hope to offer some reflections as to how we can grow as a parish and as individuals in these areas.  We are a dynamic and welcoming family, or at least most people find us so.  But we do have some rough edges and we can grow in the depth of our witness in a world that is in need of true disciples.  Let’s enjoy the Festival together, and then get started anew in our efforts to plan for tomorrow.

What do you hope will be here for your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren?  What do we need to do in order to ensure that it will be so?

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