Friday, February 17, 2017

A Word from Your Pastor February 12

Dear Parishioners:

The Baptismal Font of St. Timothy Parish is always flowing.  When I arrived here and discovered that it was so, I was especially delighted because I believe that this is a subtle way of teaching us how to think of our own Baptisms.

The simple truth is that once Baptism begins, it does not end.  We are baptized into Jesus Christ.  His Life begins to be lived in us as soon as we are touched by the Sacrament of Baptism.  Although we can “block” the flow of grace by sin, we cannot be “un-baptized.”  The Sacraments that follow after Baptism deepen the flow of grace and renew it when we go off track.  The Life that we enter into through Baptism never ends.  We share in God’s glory through the touch of the Sacraments in different ways, but it is always the flow of the grace that started in us at Baptism.  The Christ-Life in us becomes a source of grace for us and for the world through us.

How powerful God’s grace is in us!  If we only recognized the holiness to which we are called through the gift of Baptism!

Parents bear a great responsibility in helping their children to know the Faith both by teaching them, and by giving them a living example.  When children are taught in our Parochial School or in Religious education classes, they can learn the facts.  Their teachers and other students serve as examples to them.  But no one more than parents can help them come to understand what it means to live in the light of the Sacramental grace that is theirs through Baptism.

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