Sunday, May 21, 2017

A Word from Your Pastor May 21

Dear Parishioners:

“Cradle Catholics” are often surprised to discover that there is more to the Catholic Faith than they realize.  We all have a tendency to respond to things with an attitude of “been there, done that.”  If we grew up in the Church, attending a Catholic School or “C.C.D.  Classes” – Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (now known as “P.S.R.” Classes – Parish School of Religion), we can believe that we already understand everything there is to know about our Faith.  But the truth is quite different.  The teachings of our Church are a rich source of nourishment, if only we have the eyes to see it and the heart open to learn.

The Holy Spirit can open us to greater things than we ever imagined.  But we have to acknowledge our need for the Spirit and to be ready to respond to His promptings.  How do we prepare ourselves for this?  Prayer for the Gift of God in communion with the Apostles and Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was the means of preparation of the first generation of Christians.  It is the same for us today.  “Come, Holy Spirit!” is the simplest form of prayer for this Gift.

The first Novena was the nine days of prayer between the Ascension and Pentecost.  This period of time, spent in the Upper Room where the Last Supper was held, was a special time of grace for the Apostles and for Mary.  What happened then was the preparation for all that would follow.  The Good News of the Resurrection of Jesus was known and relished for 40 days.  Then the Apostles prayed for the coming of the Paraclete, the Advocate and Consoler promised to them by the Risen Lord.

We will celebrate the Ascension next Sunday (moved from Thursday so that all may be able to be present for the Mass of the Ascension).  However, the Novena for Pentecost begins Friday, May 26, and concludes with the Vigil of Pentecost, Saturday, June 3.  Let us join in prayer that God may pour out His Spirit in abundance on our Parish and on the World.  May this be a time of grace for us and may our hearts be open to the Gift of God!

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